Best Free Software For Your Small Business

Running a small business is hard enough work as it is without letting small things get in the way. As a small business owner, you’re juggling a lot of different jobs, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed by everything. Having the right software can completely transform your workday, making everything run smoothly from start to finish. Whether you struggle to keep your business finances in order or you need a boost in productivity, the following software will revolutionize the way you work. These apps and software are all free to help you get your business going without worrying about cost.

Track your finances with Wave Apps.

Wave Apps is completely free for small businesses. It covers all your finances including accounting, invoicing, payments, and even payroll. You only pay additional fees for the services you actually use which means you don’t have to add an extra financial expense each month just to keep your accounts in check. Wave Apps packs all the punch of a professional accounting firm without the hidden costs or complicated systems! To get started, review their year-end guide for the best ways to file taxes for your small business.

Stay on top of your projects with Trello.

Trello is a free online project management platform. It integrates easily with online cloud technology like Dropbox and Google Drive so you can mix your files and your organization. The easy design of Trello makes it easy to get started with and you can add team members to keep track of project progress. The best part about Trello is how easy it is to customize boards with additional features like color labels, deadlines, checklists, and more. Stop falling behind because your organization is outdated!

Network on social media with HootSuite.

Social media is a vital part of running a small business in the digital age. While you might not need a huge social media presence at the beginning of your business process, you do need to be active regularly. Stop worrying about crafting new content for your accounts and use HootSuite. HootSuite offers a free version for those with limited needs, and this is a great way to always keep your accounts active. HootSuite also packs big analytics features that can help you gain new marketing ground!

Keep track of important documents with Evernote.

Evernote is one of the most well-known notetaking software, but most people don’t take advantage of all of its features. Working like a cloud management system, Evernote lets you maintain your documents and files across devices through the app. The best part, however, is how easy it is to import new documents! You can easily snap a photo of a document to add it to Evernote, and it can even compile several images into one document for easy organization. Finally, stop carrying around binders of documents and business cards!

Connect with employees with Slack.

Slack is another free software that brings coworkers together. With Slack, employees can easily message each other or the entire team through designated channels. This is perfect if you have several remote workers or you find traditional meetings hard to schedule. You have enough on your plate as it is! Sometimes you just need a way to ask your questions quickly without making several phone calls or visiting different offices!


Equip your business with the best software.

Just because a software, app, or platform is free doesn’t mean it can’t revolutionize the way you work. Free software has been pushing the boundaries for small business owners everywhere, and you no longer need to struggle with the same daily tasks like productivity and even your taxes. Experiment with different software to find what works best for your business! One less thing off your plate means spending more time on things that matter most!

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