4 Tech Giants are setting up a database for terrorist content

tech giants are setting up a database for terrorist content."
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If you’re a cebuano, you can probably relate to the terrorist threats taking place. With such, an initiative to bring down cellular (network) signals had been impleted. Completely shutting down network signals from Globe & Smart during Sinulog (major Catholic festivity) and during the Miss Universe candidates’ visit for the swimsuit competition in Cebu in the last couple of days. This has rendered so many mixed emotions from the citizens but nevertheless a helpful stance to prevent terrorism in the country. “It is better safe than sorry.”

In relation, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, and Google’s YouTube – four of the most powerful tech giants have united to counter fight against terrorism threats and terrorist contents on their respective platforms. The initiatives started last month, launching a database that contains digital “fingerprints” of the images and videos that will help these common platforms to easily identify potential terrorist content. Social media has been a convenient tool for Islamic militant group ISIS to convince and recruit supporters and members alike. “In August, Twitter said it had suspended hundreds of thousands of accounts for promoting terrorism.” Which led to a huge decline of fishy accounts for both Facebook and Twitter users for the last two years. Albeit a tricky path to maintain balance between freedom of expression and promotion of terrorism.

As the widely-used, known platforms are updating their technologies, these firms are ensuring a safeguarded network for all people around the globe to enjoy while preventing malicious attacks and insinuations.

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