Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visits the Philippines, pledge investments

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe embarked on a two-day visit to the Philippines. Scheduled yesterday and today (Jan 12-13), PM Abe expressed his existential support to Pres. Rodrigo Duterte and vows to strengthen the ties between the two asian nation. With our histories entwined together long time ago, Japan and Philippines has been connected in business and social influences.

In his visit, “PM Abe pledged 1 trillion yen or PHP424 billion investment to the Philippines as a development assistance support for the next five years”, in a press conference held yesterday. Abe added that these investment proceeds will further the ongoing development happening in the country of the Philippines. Hopefully this will also open and create business opportunities through ODA (official development assistance).

As defined in Republic Act 8182 – ODA Act of 1996, is a loan grant from foreign countries with whom Philippines has diplomatic, trade relations and bilateral agreements and nonetheless a member of the United Nations. This act is administered with the purpose and intent of promoting sustainable social and economic growth and welfare all throughout the Philippines.

Abe, with the investment pledge supports the purchasing of high speed boats and other counter terrorism equipments that will aid in Duterte’s campaign against the nationwide Drug use and trafficking. This economic cooperation between Japan and Philippines will also launch development in infrastructure for both private and public sector to benefit from. “Thus will provide a strong underpinning for nation building according to PM Abe.”

Three months ago, Pres. Duterte visited Tokyo to meet with his japanese alliances. Both agreed to work together in pursuing a comprehensive approach in the war against illegal drugs trade and also to address the tremendous social cause of drug addiction that includes rehabilitation. In this strengthened friendship between the two leaders, Duterte even invited Abe to Davao, marking him as the first leader he personally invited to his hometown to privately discuss other matters and concern.

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