APTM: Philippines as the Next Luxury Destination

According to a group of executives from the luxury travel industry, the Philippines has a high potential of becoming the next sought-after destination for social class A travellers. The Asia Premium Travel Mart (APTM) highlighted the continued growth of luxury resorts and hotels in the country. Premium tourists spend over 50 percent more than the average tourist and usually stay longer. Most of them come from countries like Germany, Canada, and the UK.

APTM president Fe Abling-Yu said that there is a need for international connectivity to the Philippines in order to promote inbound traffic for key tourism markets. Hence, the increase in the luxury market must be met with equal improvement in the country’s infrastructure.

APTM Spokesperson Edwin Villanueva said that the government should also focus on developing a national plan for a sustainable and responsible tourism industry. “This includes powers to regulate tourism activities severely impacting our natural resources, indigenous people and culture and ensure inclusive economic development in tourist attractions communities,” he said.

The group expects around 60,000 arrivals and around P7 billion in total receipts from the luxury travel market in the next three years.

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A political science graduate and a struggling law student with a relentless passion for writing. He keeps himself updated on the latest developments in science, technology, business, law and politics. John also loves to play the guitar, read books, play chess, and occasionally write poetry.