Ashton Kutcher wage war against human trafficking

Drive Tech Innovation to Fight Child Sexual Exploitation

The famous hollywood actor proved that he’s not just a pretty face by launching a new innovation lab to fight against child pornography/ (child) sex trafficking/ Live-streaming child abuse and Sextortion.

This non-profit organization that Kutcher spearheaded is located in Silicon Valley with only 8 employees so far. Thorn is cofounded with the mission to protect children from online exploitative activities. The technology which is still in its startup stage will help deter online criminal behavior towards minors.

He says that their are a lot of determining factors why children are being exposed to this kind of corruption and is very determined to end it. As alarming as this underground criminal activity is, he says ” It was happening way closer to home that I could have ever imagined.” As a new father, his advocacy is strongly being reinforced. A data gathered as a strategy for child exploitation prevention is being passed to congress since 2010 and we have yet to see the results on how this be can be removed if not prevented in our society.

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