Does AutoZone Recycle Batteries?

Since car and truck batteries have a lifespan of only between three and five years, chances are you will have to replace one at some point. Just as with buying an appliance or mattress, that process involves two steps: deciding on the right item to purchase and taking the appropriate disposal measures for the one you are retiring. The research and planning involved in the purchase can be complex. However, while various options exist for the second step, a full-service store usually eases this task. Consider the following strategies for easily giving your old battery a sendoff.

Does AutoZone Recycle Batteries?

How Much Does AutoZone Give for Old Batteries

Stores provide three main battery-buying options: First, walk into the store and purchase the battery after researching to install yourself; currently, some retailers offer curbside pickup. Second, purchase and have the store install the battery; this option provides a value-added benefit for those who are not mechanically inclined or for whom lifting a heavy battery is not practical. Third, order a battery online to be shipped to your home; be aware that the package you will be lifting from your front porch will be heavy.

Stores may offer incentives to encourage your handing over the old car battery. Full-service retailer AutoZone, for example, offers a $10 merchandise card in exchange. Note that the offer may apply to other old vehicle batteries you may have, not just the one you are replacing at the moment.

How Do I Dispose of a Dead Car Battery?

The payout for an old battery is an environmentally-friendly business practice that provides a model for sustainability. Batteries you send out with the trash end up adding unnecessarily to landfills, into which their toxic liquids eventually leech. Fortunately, laws against landfill disposal are in place to discourage this behavior. Instead, municipalities and larger regions hold hazardous waste recycling events to which you can bring your old motorcycle battery or old car batteries. Though these events may charge a nominal fee for the service and the lines may snake around the block, they take the worry of disposal out of your hands.

When you do exchange batteries, most stores charge a core deposit. That means that you pay an extra fee for the new battery that is refunded when you bring in the old one. This exchange offers the advantage that you do not have to remove the old battery and carry it to the store in a separate car. This also takes the pressure off your purchase. If, for example, you find the exact battery you want is not in stock, you can pick it up when it comes in and still drive on the old one. Additionally, you can bring in the old battery at your convenience.

Is Your Battery Ready to Retire?

One final note about the process: The full-service store that stocks your batteries will also give you advice on how to tell if car battery is dead. It is possible that their testing procedures will show there is still life in it, and you can delay battery replacement as necessary.

Buying a new car batter requires a bit of thought to ensure your selection is appropriate. On the other hand, exchanging or recycling your old battery requires far less effort.

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Taylor Cook is the director and co-founder with his wife, Christie Cook, of Australian luxury handbag brand and social enterprise Avery Verse.