Blockchain and Marketing: Transforming Strategies – Coinband

Blockchain is a very hyped topic, which scammers increasingly try to exploit for their ungodly purposes daily. This makes it challenging to promote reliable projects with a concept that benefits humanity. So, what is this Web3 marketing, and what are its features? The well-known blockchain marketing agency Coinband will share insights on this matter below.

Blockchain and Marketing: Transforming Strategies – Coinband

What Are the Features of Marketing for Blockchain Solutions?

An IDO marketing services company, Coinband, decided to explain to its readers the difference between traditional digital marketing and Web3 marketing.

So, Web3 marketing, which represents the next generation of the Internet (in fact, it is a decentralized Internet run by a community and not by companies that created social networks and search engines), has its own unique features that can be used to advantage when building strategies for promoting solutions that also relate to Web3 (blockchain-based, dApps, crypto exchanges, and so on). What are these features? Let’s figure it out right now.

  • Decentralization is at the forefront of everything. The promotion of all blockchain-powered solutions is based on their decentralization. This means that whatever method you choose – PPC, SEO, influence marketing, or something else – decentralization is what you will need to focus on for your audience first of all (that is, all the benefits of your project for its final users should follow from here). Usually, this technical term is simply transformed into words that are understandable and accessible to the average Internet user: “no connection to centralized authorities”, “absence of intermediaries in transactions”, “complete anonymity”, “providing equal rights in the management and development of the platform”, and etc.
  • Raising awareness of people through individual enthusiasts and projects. Since the barrier to entry into the Web3 niche for non-technical users is quite high, many projects and individuals spend their time and effort to lower it, explaining complex technological terms and concepts in simple words that everyone can understand in guides, videos, online sessions, on forums, etc. The “side effect” of this approach is to increase the trust of the audience – that is, exactly what you are most likely striving for.
  • Formation and development of communities. As we have already indicated earlier, communities in the Web3 space occupy a leading role. Moreover, every successful blockchain project regularly organizes activities within these communities to encourage participants to contribute to their development – be it testing beta versions, reposting news, or something else. Ultimately, all these actions should be rewarded – for example, through project “gift” coins or some kind of privileges (this could be access to closed functionality).
  • Ensuring transparency of operations within blockchain solutions. The lack of control over Web3 solutions by higher authorities can be both an advantage and a reason to beware of scammers. This means you must provide your audience with clear and accessible tools to ensure the security of their data and transparency of the data of those with whom they interact within your blockchain-based solution. For example, you can introduce open protocols and encryption standards into your project, make it open source, or do something else that will give confidence in the integrity and transparency of operations on your blockchain platform.
  • Collaborations with other Web3 projects. Do not think that all solutions that classify themselves in the Web3 niche are your competitors – on the contrary, it is possible that some of them can become your partners who will “share” their audience and help you increase the advantages of your blockchain platform. Moreover, new partnerships will indirectly indicate the rapid development of your project, which means this will help you constantly increase the percentage of interested users.
  • Organization and participation in offline and online events. Finally, do not neglect the opportunity to present your project at conferences and other online and offline events dedicated to blockchain – here, you can both establish strong new partnerships and gain useful insights regarding the further development of your project. And, of course, after attending such events, you will be able to share your photos from there on social networks and in the community – this way, your audience will understand that your project is evolving.

How to Understand Which of These Methods Is the Most Suitable for Your Project

After reading the previous paragraph, you may have noticed striking differences between traditional marketing and Web3 marketing – they lie primarily in a different paradigm for the formation of the web. At the same time, knowing the most effective methods for promoting Web3 projects is not enough – it is important to understand in what order and in what way they should be implemented. Of course, in some utopian universe, you could try them all synchronously, but in reality, each of us always has certain limitations in time, budget, and communications. That’s why, by haphazardly testing the effectiveness of the methods described above, you can lose valuable resources and the opportunity to profitably present your project before your competitors do.

If you want to overcome this challenge, it is better to enlist the support of professionals from the very beginning – only they will be able to draw up a long-term plan for promoting your blockchain-based project that will bring you maximum return on investment.

Looking for Professional Marketing Advice? Just Turn to Us!

We hope that now, you know the difference between traditional digital marketing for Web2 solutions and marketing aimed at promoting Web3 projects. If you are interested in collaborating with a marketing agency that perfectly understands this difference and specializes exclusively in projects from the Web3 niche, do not waste a minute – write or call us. We will advise you on how to move forward with your project, creating an actionable months-long strategy, all within your budget and time constraints.

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