Business Travel Tips in Australia

In a world simplified by conference calls, Skype and email you still cannot beat making a deal face to face.

Millions of Australians still work that way every year, with a recent study stating 2.1million of citizens’ most recent flights were for work purposes.

With many of us having to travel more and more to clinch a deal, it is always important to make your journey – whether it’s by plane or car – as easy as possible.

Here are some travel tips for the modern-day businessperson to ensure …

1. Make a list

If you travel regularly then chances are you will be making journeys for similar purposes.

Make a list of the essentials you need to take with you on every business trip – from important documents and the right attire to the basics such as your toothbrush.

Keep the list in your suitcase so that every time you go to pack the important things are covered and you don’t find yourself meeting with a client and apologising that you forgot your shoes in the rush to the airport.

2. Home from home

If you travel regularly – or for long periods of time – it is important to maintain as much as your normal routine as possible.

Long flights and lonely nights in hotels can do little to help you relax and take your mind off work.

Whether it is your gym kit, a tablet to watch your favourite shows or a good book, bring your hobbies with you. At least go for a walk and discover a new place instead of moping on a bed.

3. Write a timetable

Pen a list of where you need to be, and when to help you plan your journeys.
Don’t wake up in a strange place and expect the local taxis or public transport to work in the same way you are used to.

Pre-plan every journey, so motorway tolls, roadworks or even obscure new methods of getting from A to B don’t catch you out.

And remember, few journeys ever go to plan, so always give your self plenty of time.

4. Think ahead

Ensure you know exactly where you are headed and why. It’s also worth noting that thinking ahead and organising elements such as flights and accommodation as early as possible saves you stress later – and you could potentially save some money.

If you are travelling abroad, always research the place, the climate and the customs. Try to learn a few basic words if the language is different. A little effort can go a long way.

Thinking ahead can also prevent you from embarrassing yourself in front of people you are attempting to impress, or arriving in stifling or inappropriate clothing.

5. Stay connected

If you’re away on business the chances are you will need to remain in contact with the people you are meeting and your own colleagues, not to mention family.

Always pack the correct power adaptors to make sure your laptop, phone and anything else you may need remains switched on at all times.

It is also useful to carry a collection of power packs, vehicle chargers and universal socket adaptors to make sure you can charge on the move or in a country where the plugs are a different.

6. Renew your passport

Make sure your passport has the required amount of time left on it to allow you to enter the country you are travelling to. Also, ensure you have the correct visa and vaccinations.

7. Pack light

Less is definitely more for the traveller.

If you can manage with just hand luggage then you save yourself a favourable amount of time at both ends of the flight. No baggage checking and no long waits and jostling at the conveyor belt.

And with some airlines offering different luggage weight restrictions, you avoid getting caught out.

If you find yourself in a rush, packing will take a lot less time.

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