Can You Do More To Help Your Staff Thrive? Here’s What To Think About

When you get to a stage with your business and you are hiring staff, you can often feel like you are a little overwhelmed with the extra responsibility. Not only do you have to consider your own productivity levels, but that of staff as well. However, there is one simple factor that should become a high priority and that is simply happiness amongst your employees. Happy staff tend to mean they are more productive and happier to be getting on with things, which can be one less thing for you to worry about. So what can you do as an employer to keep your staff happy?

Here are some of the things to think about.

Show interest in their lives

One of the first things that you can do, and often it is the most simplest, is to show an interest in them. Asking them how they are or acknowledging them in a morning or evening. It can be remembering names of children and asking after family, or just getting to know their interests and how they spend their time. It is a simple conversation, but it can make a staff member feel valued by management and leaders, which can help them to feel happier in their working environment.

Ensuring they are safe and able to do their jobs

As an employer, especially if staff use tools and operate machinery on your work time, you have a responsibility to ensure their safety. This means taking into account things such as pressure sensors in machines to whether or not they are working as they should be. Regular risk assessments can help to ensure that you take into account these things on a regular basis, combining with an in-depth health and safety policy. According to David Rowland, Head of Digital Marketing at Eco Online, “Your risk assessments need to show that you have designed out the handling risks where this is practicable and reduced those that remain through job design, workplace layout, and equipment. A health and safety management software can go a long way to helping you to prepare for HSE inspections.”

Being approachable

Sometimes the smallest of gestures, such as being approachable, can make the biggest of differences to how your staff respond to you. Being approachable can often be a great way to open up conversations and for you to get a better understanding of how you can support them. It might also help for them to be able to talk to you about fresh ideas and suggestions when it comes to the business.

Keeping them motivated

Motivation is key in any workplace, and so ensuring your staff stay on the ball with their workload you may need to think outside of the box when it comes to keeping them motivated. This might mean adding incentives to help keep them focused which can be a great way to boost morale.

The working environment is right

Finally, it is also important to ensure that their working environment is a great place to be. From clean areas to having a decent break out room where they can store food and drinks and take a break away from their desk. You may also want to ensure that you can regulate the temperature so that people feel comfortable working at all times of the year.

Let’s hope these suggestions help you when it comes to keeping your employees happy.

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