Clients On Demand: A Look Into Kathleen Byars’ Success Story

If you run a business that relies upon finding and attracting new clients, you need to take a closer look at the guys over at Clients on Demand. The team, led by CEO and Founder Russ Ruffino, are helping their students achieve outstanding results on a regular basis with their unique marketing techniques and business approach.

There are plenty of stories of people enrolled in their program that have scaled their business up to six, and sometimes even seven figures, all without endlessly grinding out content. After all, who wants to sit writing blogs and producing videos all day long?

In this article, we will take a look at one particular student’s success story and some words she has to say about the Clients on Demand program. But first, let’s take a closer look at what Clients on Demand actually does.

Clients On Demand: A Look Into Kathleen Byars’ Success Story

Who is Clients on Demand?

Clients on Demand is a program designed to help coaches and service providers scale their business quickly. They teach their students a combination of cutting edge marketing strategies with expert coaching and mentoring.

Clients On Demand: A Look Into Kathleen Byars’ Success Story

The Clients on Demand team and coaches place a big emphasis on coaching the correct mindset to succeed in business and highlight personal changes business owners need to make if they want to start attracting more clients.

Their main mission is to help their students connect with the right clients. The ones who will turn up coachable, ready to make the most out of their sessions, as ultimately, it’s the client’s success that determines the coach or service providers’ success too.

Kathleen Byars’ Story

Kathleen Byars’ story is a fascinating one. It’s worth reading up on her story in its entirety to get the full picture of her journey. The short-winded version is that she spent many years approaching life the wrong way, failing to juggle work life and family life appropriately, and lost sight of what was truly important.

After being a very successful businesswoman, she decided to leave that world behind and escaped to an island where she became a diver master and reevaluated her life. After a while, it all began to click. She once again became a very successful businesswoman, and an influential one at that, only this time she knew how to balance her life correctly.

She now coaches other people on how to achieve the same thing, sharing her life experience and helping other powerful businesswomen protect themselves from burning out from juggling too many responsibilities.

As she says on her website, “it’s my mission to help other corporate moms create their own authentic, balanced, beautiful lives. If I can do it, you can, too.”

Here’s what she had to say about Clients on Demand and how it helped her business forecast $2m for this year.

“I joined Clients on Demand Sept 2016. This is a fabulous place to be. Thank you, Russell Ruffino, for showing me how to make my dreams come true and for sharing your own journey of letting go and allow the universe to deliver what is divinely ours. So grateful that I get to glide easily and effortlessly in your jet stream.”

She goes on to show how thanks to Clients on Demand, she and her team are now “thriving—saving lives. Enjoying enormously fulfilling lives of freedom and financial abundance

We want for nothing. Our team is secure, abundant, and happy.”

How Clients on Demand worked for Kathleen

Kathleen already had the information and knowledge she wanted to deliver to her clients, however, the Clients on Demand program helped her apply cutting edge marketing strategies to help her find more suitable and mutually beneficial clients.

Not only that but with the regular coaching sessions she received and the step-by-step walkthrough of the course content, Kathleen was able to understand the mindset required to scale her business to seven figures.

Why finding the right clients is so important

When you think about it, connecting the right client with the right coach is a win for everyone involved.

If the client finds a service that matches their needs, the coach can then deliver their information to a client who is ready to be coached. They then go away and become a success based on the information they picked up in the coaching sessions. Finally, the coach receives great feedback and a positive reputation for doing their job well. Ipso facto, it all begins with finding the right client.

How do I know Clients on Demand is for me?

  • Do you sell your knowledge or provide a meaningful service to your clients?
  • Do you fix a major problem with your business?
  • Are you serious about scaling your business to 6 or 7 figures?
  • Are you willing to put in the work it takes to get your business to where you want it?

If so, Clients on Demand can help push your business in the right direction.

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