Clover POS: A Portable Payment System For Business

Many business owners today have forgone the typical brick and mortar location and opted for a mobile business. This allows business owners to save money on rent and building maintenance. It also allows them to invest more in areas where they can improve their products and better their service, such as a portable payment system.

There is a variety of quality portable payment systems that will enhance the way you do your mobile business and improve sales transactions. One example is the Clover Station which is the largest option for a Clover POS system. Clover Go is another portable POS, which is the smallest Clover POS system. Depending on your company’s preference, both offers mobility and efficiency for the business.

Bring Your Service To Your Customers

Have you ever been waiting in line and wished the store would open up more lanes for checkout? Or perhaps you wished you could have called your order in so you didn’t have to waste time waiting in line? A lot of people feel this way. This is the reason why the Clover Flex was created. It provides businesses the ability to offer smaller lines and shorter waits to their customers.

With the Clover Flex, one of your store associates could walk down the line and take orders, receive payments, and give the customers their receipts before they get to the counter. This could expedite the entire purchasing process for you and your customers.

In addition, Clover also offers backroom processes, such as reports generation, sales monitoring, and real-time synchronization of all transactions from different Clover devices of the same network.

Using manual credit/debit card machines and cash to process sales transactions is no longer the norm in doing business these days. Nowadays, businesses have the capability to close sales more efficiently and provide faster service to their customers. The use of a portable POS system is an essential upgrade for your business to ensure that you are growing together with the technology’s advancement.

This article is a sponsored post. For more information on point of sale systems, please visit Merchant Account Solutions.

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