Consider this Technology Setup Tips for Your Startup

We all know that getting an office job at a big corporation like everyone used to dream isn’t the most fulfilling option these days. Even if someone does get hired for a corporate job, it is not a complete guarantee for a worry-free and successful life. Maybe that is why a lot of millennials today are engaged in creating their own startups or working for one.

There is a lot of mystique and glamour floating around the idea of startups. Everyone is dreaming of becoming the next Mark Zuckerberg or the next Elon Musk. Maybe you will be, but that would require careful deliberation, planning and lots and lots of hard work. You also need to be a master of time management and productivity hacks.

We are in the midst of an app generation and apparently everyone is hacking their way up with the help of online platforms and productivity apps to attain the highest possible version of themselves as an entrepreneur/ founder.

With that, here are some of the best tech tools and tips to help an entrepreneur like you in taking the plunge on the startup arena:

1. Google… Everything

Consider this Technology Setup Tips for Your Startup
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Google offers a ton of free tools for aspiring startup communities and organizations. The tech giant has become so revered that any professional or small business companies can use a simple email account and still project legitimacy in business. Google Chrome is also the most secure browser utilized by most online users.

Google Docs on the other hand is a wonderful alternative to Microsoft Office. While it doesn’t have some of the more elaborate bells and whistles Office does, it is more than enough for wordsmithing and spreadsheet needs. Google Drive is also a great way to share documents with the rest of the team. The level of collaboration they offer is unmatched, and Google’s paid services are reasonable as well.

2. Slack

Consider this Technology Setup Tips for Your Startup
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Slack is one of the best ways to handle interoffice communications and messaging out there. It’s easy to use, and strikes the perfect balance for looking and feeling serious enough for business while still possessing a fun and pleasing aesthetic. The free version is pretty good for a small operation, with the paid/premium version being affordable once a startup begins to grow.

3. QuickBooks

No idea, no matter how wonderful and innovative, has ever made it without good accounting. Well, maybe the stick or the wheel, but it all boils down to money matters and how it must be handled properly and accurately.

Consider this Technology Setup Tips for Your Startup

Every company needs to keep track of expenditures, payroll, and income. Once a startup gets big enough, having a team of in-house accountants might be a good idea. For now, look after the books with good software. Augment this by regularly consulting a licensed CPA, and have a pro do your taxes quarterly and at the end of the year or depending on your personal need as a company.

4. Hosting

Consider this Technology Setup Tips for Your Startup
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A website is going to be the nucleus of a startup, even if their main goal is an app. Basic, DIY WordPress has its fans, and many small businesses make good use of services like Squarespace and Wix. Those might be good for blogs or a mom and pop outfit, but if a startup plans on hitting big time, they need to be serious with their online presence.

The most popular hosting service among startups around the world is Amazon Web Services. You have Netflix, Lyft, Airbnb, Zillow, Yelp, Zynga, slack, and Spotify all using Amazon Web Services. AWS is relatively easy to use, for actual web developers, but it isn’t meant for a casual computer user who only checks their email, posts on Instagram and perform regular technical stuffs.

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