5 Reasons Why Corporations Are Decorating Their Premises with Living Green Walls

Imagine how fun and interesting it would be to adopt living green walls in your business premises. Look, customers want beautiful places to perform all their stuff. So, why don’t you decorate your premises with green walls? It will not just increase the sales but also make customers want to return to your premises.

Below are five reasons why corporations are decorating their premises with living green walls.

1) Improved Air Quality

Living green walls are natural air-filters that enhances a conducive environment for employees and customers. Studies have tried to look into the effects of indoor plants to humans and the environment. Some of the results found in the studies included improvement in psychological stress and improvement in employee task performances.

Living walls increase oxygen in the environment. This is because plants have the ability to reduce the amounts of chemical compounds found in the atmosphere. Leaves, stem and roots all aid in the cleansing of the environment. This is the solid reason why most corporations love decorating their premises with living green walls.

2) Balanced Natural Humidity

During the winter, most employees hate reporting to work due to cold while during the summers, most employees get exhausted within a short time. But these two scenarios can be controlled by living walls.

Installing interior and exterior green walls will release the water vapor needed to maintain the required level of moisture. Green walls cool the environment during the summers when there is strong sunlight, hence improving the performance of your employees. Green walls perk the environment up with moisture during the winters when there is extreme cold. So, green walls gives a better and stable transition that will enable most of your employees work efficiently.

3) Habitat Restoration

Everyone want to stay in a beautiful environment. Have you ever wondered why people would leave their homes to go to either hotels or places with cool natural habitat? The truth is that nature restore happiness within humans; you feel relaxed when you’re in a cool green environment.

Green living walls attract countless species like the butterflies, birds and numerous insects that you would love to view when relaxing. Some of these countless species like birds that produce sweet sounds tend to reduce the psychological stress in most people. In addition to that, these species improve your employees efficiency at work.

4) Living Green Walls Reduce Noise

Noise pollution is common in urban areas. The noise come from vehicles and industries within the towns. Indoor green walls reduces the ambient noise within buildings. Outdoor green walls also offer the same, but on a larger scale. Outdoor green walls will be ideal to reduce noise in urban centers.

5) Reduced Energy Costs

Another reason that corporations love living green walls is because they reduce energy costs. External green walls aid in improving your building’s thermal insulation because of the additional protective layer from the plants. “Walls with green exteriors are nearly 20 degrees cooler than their counterparts.”

Wrap Up

Green living walls are advantageous and any corporation that hasn’t thought of installing it should do so. The advantages of green walls are numerous and should entice any corporation into jumping into the bandwagon if they want to improve their employees’ efficiency.

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