Five Books to Read When Becoming an Entrepreneur

I’ve always loved small business management, and I finally decided to start building my own. It was fascinating at first with all the planning going on in my head. Still, it quickly became stressful when reality hit home that what is taught about entrepreneurship now doesn’t always end up being enough knowledge for you after graduation. Luckily, some people experienced this before me, so they can advise from their experience, which has been essential as I navigate tough decisions lately.

Finding the right books can be a difficult task as they often present themselves to you in a mundane manner. But don’t let them scare you. There is plenty of exciting entrepreneurial know-how that’s waiting for your attention. These five books all have one thing in common—they’re not stand-alone entities. They serve as launching pads or results from online identities built around strong business owners sharing insights on what has worked best for them and their companies. So, push that sliding ladder down the library bookshelves and pick up these books.

Five Books to Read When Becoming an Entrepreneur

1.) “Finding Your Way in a Wild New World” by Martha Beck

Oprah’s life coach, Martha Beck, has some advice for you. In her latest book, Finding Your Way in a Wild New World, she poses serious questions about what we want to do to make money and live a meaningful life. If approached with the idea of exposing your true self, this will get rather intense quickly as you start probing on your real passions when considering how best to support yourself financially and create meaning in others’ lives while doing so.

Beck has a sense of wanderlust that made exploring the African game reserve, Londolozi, one of her favorite places to be. Beck continuously revisits questions like, “How did I get here?” and “What should I do now?” throughout this book. If you’ve ever asked yourself some variation on these questions or wondered how someone could find their true calling in life while they are trekking through Africa with no Wi-Fi connection readily available, then this is worth reading!

2.) “Enchantment” by Guy Kawasaki

Guy Kawasaki’s book, Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions, is a treasure trove for your customers. He unpacks the concept in ways that leave you nodding along with his suggestions on how to take care of them. As an entrepreneur looking to grab their attention and be mindful about what they’re doing while still running a business, there are more than enough gems here to get you thinking too.

Kawasaki redefines competition and market share by pointing out that there are two kinds of people in the world, those who want to consume more and those who want to create a bigger pie. As he puts it, “There are two kinds of people in this world: eaters or bakers.” Businesses often settle for an established product rather than trying something new because they think it’s been done before. Kawasaki’s statement makes you rethink your limitations, your ideas about what is possible with your business.

3.) “The $100 Startup” by Chris Guillebeau

In his book, The $100 Startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living and Live Your Dream, Chris Guillebeau shares stories of how entrepreneurs have been able to start their businesses with little more than an idea, passion, or hobby. From designing digital products for startups like Etsy to publishing books on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform and running successful coffee shops in Melbourne. These are all examples of profitable endeavors created by individuals who just wanted something they loved doing so much that they decided it would be worth turning into profit.

Guillebeau’s wisdom is that “you don’t necessarily have to think of them in categories such as age, race, and gender. Instead, you can view them in terms of shared beliefs.” This idea has been applied to a bakery for people who are vegan or gluten-free. If they find their way into the store, these customers will share an interest in healthful living.

4.) “The Fire Starter Sessions” by Danielle LaPorte

How many occasions have you been told to wait for the perfect time? The problem is that there will always be a better moment. LaPorte teaches readers how to break out of their comfort zone and provides 16 steps on what it takes to do so!

The book’s whole point is to be generous, but figuring out where you belong in the world can also feel like a gift. The author of this passage writes about how she learned that generosity begins with oneself and then spreads outward into her community: “Make generosity part of your growth strategy,” says Elizabeth Lesser. “Don’t wait until things are going well for yourself or life has gone smoothly—choose now.”

5.) “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Timothy Ferriss

This is a must-read for business leaders of any age. This groundbreaker has plenty more devices and up-to-date content to help you design and automate a revenue generator, leaving you available to pursue your desires such as other business projects, travel, or whatever else suits your fancy.

After reading Tim Ferriss’ book, The Four Hour Work Week: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich!, I can now say that he is right when he said, “you are a reflection of your five closest friends.” Suppose you want to become more vital in the running or anything else because it’s essential to encompass yourself with people who push you forward instead of holding back progress. Please do not undervalue the effects negative influences have on us.

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Jack Louis is a content creator, blogger and founder of blog ambitions. He provides useful information which help readers to get more ideas.