Go Green: How Your Business Can Save Money And The Environment

Go Green: How Your Business Can Save Money And The Environment

If saving the environment isn’t enough of a reason to make your business more environmentally friendly, you will also find yourself saving money as well! Going green is an important step that more and more businesses are choosing to make. There are a myriad of ways to make your business kinder to the environment, but here are just a few of them.

Go Paperless

Many businesses are finding less and less of a need to use paper. Technology has made it simpler and safer to store everything online, though you need to invest in the right system. Try to reduce wastage by encouraging your staff to send emails rather than mailing items out in the post. Also, tell them only to print items off when absolutely necessary. Not only will this save on office supply costs, everything is much more secure online and you are less likely to lose important documents. Make sure you have clear recycling facilities to get rid of any scrap paper.

Use LED Lighting

Though these have a higher initial purchase price, LED lights are much more energy efficient and will last you a lot longer as well. If you have a large office, this can literally result in thousands of dollars of savings.

Go Green: How Your Business Can Save Money And The Environment

Consider Alternative Energy

Just as many homeowners are now switching to renewable energy sources, businesses are doing the same. The attraction of a significantly reduced utility bill is extremely alluring. If you live in an area that receives a great deal of sunlight or wind, you may be ideally placed to install some solar panels or wind turbines. Take a look at some commercial solar panel installation options if you think this may be for you. Though this may represent a high initial investment, savings should be made in the long run.

Go Green: How Your Business Can Save Money And The Environment
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Encourage Alternative Transport

Try using public transportation, a bicycle or hybrid car to get to work and encourage your staff members to do the same. Also try to encourage people to carpool if they can. If your team embraces travelling to work in a greener way, your business may be eligible for some grants or other financial incentives.

Use Biodegradable Cleaners

The use of natural cleaning products should reduce your exposure to toxic chemicals, as well as not releasing them into the environment. Many stores sell these in bulk so ask your cleaning staff to stock up on these as another way of saving money.

Replace Your Appliances

If you have some wasteful products around the office, try replacing them with their greener counterparts. Again, this is all about saving money and being more energy efficient in the long run.

Get An Energy Audit

There are a range of organizations that will give a full and detailed energy audit of your entire business. Sealing leaks and cracks are just two ways of reducing costs, as well as installing double glazing and insulation. Once the evaluation is complete, complete all necessary work and you should find that your business significantly reduces its utility bills.

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