Guide On Successful Business Essay Writing

If you study Business, Finance, Economics, Accounting and other related disciplines, you know that writing an essay on business is not the easiest task in the world. From one point of view, it is a rather practical assignment, even if you need to elaborate on some theoretical issues because business is a practical field itself. From the other hand, you should dig in for actual and related information to back up your thoughts and ideas.

Here you can find some valuable tips on how to write an essay on business issues without getting too much exhausted. Of course, not all of these rules apply to every essay, but most of them do. Remember, that if you are willing to apply to become a member of the particular MBA program, most of these tips won’t suit you, as an MBA essay is a combination of business and reflection essays and has its own guidelines.

Define the Topicality of the Issue in Question

Essays on business matters should be relevant to the current situation in general or in the particular market. Even if you are writing about some long-gone business principles, you should compare them with what we have now. Historians have the luxury to write about the past without defining the relevance of what happened then to the current events, and you don’t have such an opportunity. Write about the topicality of the theme in the introduction and further mention it when writing the body part and the conclusions. Every topic can be presented as a relevant one, you should just dig into it and find some consistent patterns.

Use Modern Principles and Concepts

If you need to write about the corporate responsibility, for example, use the modern concept of the Triple Bottom Line. According to this concept, corporate social responsibility should include three major ideas: environment, social issues and business issues. Recently the economic responsibility of the company related to its workers is also included into the scope of the corporate responsibility. For any idea, you describe, try to find the most recent concepts and findings — even if you are not very good yet in analysing you, it will show your engagement and interest.

Use Only Solid Sources as References

For example, you can use The Economist, The New York Times, Financial Times, the Guardian, but you can’t use someone’s blogs to cite in your Business essay, unless you are determined to make an analysis of fakes or how people only slightly related to the particular industry understand the news and the trends. Even using information from the esteemed sources make sure you don’t quote some paid blog article, but stick to the recognized authors and standard rubrics. Sometimes you can break this rule, but do it carefully and not too often.

Apply the Multidisciplinary Approach

The best ideas, the most engaging concepts, and the brightest conclusions are born where the disciplines clash. Try to find new ideas applying multidisciplinary approach. For example, find some convincing similarities with at first glance, not related disciplines — Music, Biology, Psychology. Recently, one of the most exciting multidisciplinary concepts, neuroeconomics, literally changed the way we understand economics and how people buy things. Only 15 years ago almost no one believed in the Behavioral Economics, and now it is used by all the key companies and the books, such as “Misbehaving” become the bestsellers and are translated into dozens of language. Don’t be afraid to take risks.


Once you are done writing, proofread your final draft several times. Use online grammar checkers, plagiarism checkers and also make sure to read your paper aloud. Reading aloud, you will spot some too complicated sentences and awkward phrases which should be avoided. You should also check the logic of the structure, and for this, it is better to write a short outline and check whether paragraphs are placed in the right order. The key idea of the following part should logically continue the key idea of the previous part and the conclusions should reflect the issues described in the introduction. Once you follow these simple rules, even if your paper is not an example of in-depth research or bright insights you will have high chances to receive decent grades. Don’t forget to pay attention to the formatting. Good luck!

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