How To Avoid The Mistakes That Completely Wreck Most PPC Campaigns

If you’re in business then there’s a good chance you’ll be undertaking content marketing and have a PPC campaign. Few companies can survive and flourish without a successful marketing campaign. 

The basics can seem simple. Create content that is informative and links to your site. This boosts your reputation and standing with the search engines, helping people to find you. For PPC you simply select a few keywords and phrases. You then pay the search engine when your PPC ads are clicked on.

However, while the basics are straightforward, there are several common mistakes that you need to avoid. If you don’t, you’ll wreck your PPC campaign.

How To Avoid The Mistakes That Completely Wreck Most PPC Campaigns

Not getting Help

The premise can seem straightforward, encouraging you to have a go yourself. This can be a huge mistake and destroy your PPC campaign before it even starts. 

The reason is that there is a lot of competition. Choosing the wrong keywords and phrases will result in you competing with the biggest names in your industry and paying for click-throughs from people that aren’t really interested in what you have to offer.

The level of competition in all marketplaces means you need the right words and phrases. The best way of getting this part right is by using a reputable Adwords agency.

Skipping The Profiling

This is an integral part of finding the right keywords. You need to profile your target customer base. By doing this you’ll understand what they are after and why they need your product. This will allow you to create campaigns directed at them. In turn, targeted campaigns will increase the amount of traffic you get, traffic that is actually interested in your product. 

Setting The Bids

Every keyword or phrase in your PPC campaign needs to be paid for. You need to strike a balance between what you’re paying and the results you’re likely to get. Keeping an eye on the budget and profits can result in your underbidding for the most relevant keywords. 

If you’re underbidding then it’s likely another company is outranking your bid and getting the customers before you. 

That’s why it’s essential to keep an eye on your bids and the results they get. It will help to ensure you attract the right customers.

Ignoring The Data 

Looking at and managing the data can seem like a chore. However, it’s essential to understand whether your PPC campaign is having the desired effect. Your ad agency should be able to transfer the data into Excel for you. This will make it easier for you to manage and study. 

Regular reviews ensure your campaign stays on target. Stop the reviews and you’re just spending money, without knowing if it’s helping your business or not.

Getting The Text Right

You only have a few words to entice people to click on your link. You need to convince them that it’s worth looking at what you have to offer and that you’re reputable.

You can look at other ads for inspiration. However, it’s generally best to spend a little more and get professional help writing the link text. The money spent will be recouped in additional sales. 

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