How To Choose The Best Places To Stay When Traveling For Work

Traveling for work is often a bittersweet experience for many. On one hand, you’re excited about your travel mission, while on the other you’re dealing with the stress of fast paced travel between meetings and temporary accommodation and being away from your loved ones. But it doesn’t always have to be this way.
If you’re unsure about the best places to stay when traveling for work, this guide will ease things for you. Let’s dive straight into some of the essential factors to consider when deciding the right accommodation while you’re away from home.

Consider the proximity to the place of work or meetings

If you have a specific location where your company is based or your business meetings are being held then you need to have accommodation that is nearby. Remember, factors like traffic which you have no control over can waste travel cost and time. You don’t want to deal with these kinds of inconveniences when you can have urgent meetings or work to do.

Use corporate housing providers

Unless you’re visiting a destination you’re well familiar with, consider corporate housing. These providers are specialized in housing travelers looking to arrive and get down to work for stays that last multiple weeks or months. Naturally, they’re in a better position to advise, recommend, and even rent out the best accommodation for your specific needs. For example, Blueground, a real estate tech company that provides corporate apartments in top cities like New York, can help you settle down quickly especially if you’re staying at your destination for a month or longer.

Set your accommodation budget

How much are you prepared to spend on accommodation during your business trip? Some employees have the wonderful benefits of receiving a travel stipend or budgetary guidelines (such as a per diem) for which the company will either cover upfront or reimburse you for accommodation costs. However if this isn’t a benefit your company provides for you or if you’re self employed then you’re gonna need to budget your trip.

Getting your figures right from the onset will enable you to quickly decide the places that suit you while also making it easier for you to ignore those outside your budget range. If you’re booking online, be sure to also check the ratings and reviews by other customers on your preferred facility. If you want some tips on budgeting I would recommend you check out this useful guide by Crediful.

Consider condo or apartment rentals

If you’re planning on staying for some time at your travel destination, rental condos and apartments are great options. They offer more comfort, space, and privacy as a home away from your home. The best ones come fully-furnished with all the necessary amenities to make your stay comfortable. What’s more, they’re also fairly priced as you’ll be in charge of cleaning, cooking, and other homely duties.

Be on the lookout for extra fees

A common mistake that travelers usually make is assuming that the quoted room rate includes all the fees. Yet most hotels and other accommodation facilities often include hidden charges that you only come to know of when making payment. A good practice, therefore, is to always ask prior to booking whether fees like staff tips, shuttle services, tourist tax and internet connection are included in the overall bill. Alternatively, you can request the management to break down all the additional costs that are outside your room rate.

Evaluate onsite amenities

Whether your business trip is meant to last a night or a week, the level of comfort accorded to you will significantly impact your productivity. Evaluate the available modern conveniences that are essential in enhancing the quality of your stay. Some of the basic amenities you might require are a study room, fast internet connection, and a super deluxe jacuzzi…Well maybe not that last one.

Consider proximity to work colleagues

When working on a project that requires extensive teamwork, it helps to reside closer to your workmates. You may want to brainstorm on a subject or have a familiar face to spend off-hours with at your destination. For this, hotels and hostels that have the appropriate accommodation and meeting space for you and your colleagues will prove handy for quality teamwork. You might also want to make sure that your accommodation is flexible with your work timeline. For example, if there’s a chance that you’ll work late, it’s advisable to pick a facility that can admit you regardless of your arrival time.

Have any special needs or a pet to tag along?

Do you have a special need like a visual impairment or mobility restrictions? Or are you planning to come with your pet when traveling for work? If so, you will need to look for an accommodation facility that admits people with needs like yours. This is the easiest way to make your stay as comfortable and stress-free as you would exactly imagine. As a result, you will be productive and achieve your targets a lot faster knowing that you’re well taken care of.

What are some of the factors you consider when looking for the best places to stay when traveling for work? Please share your feedback in the comments below.

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