How To Improve Yourself and Add More Value to a Company

In order to grow individually and help the community, one must consistently strive towards improvement, both personally and professionally. An important part of this is through specialised care for the disabled.

The number of employees with disabilities is rising each year and employers could always use an extra helping hand with understanding the unique needs of their disabled workforce.

As someone joining an organisation or working in one already, you can add great value to yourself and the organisation by taking specialised disability courses.

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The Organisational Advantage

Many companies lag far behind others when it comes to hiring employees with disabilities, primarily because the risk-to-reward ratio seems too low. It may be a part of their overall agendas and HR directives, but when it comes to hiring, the efforts don’t show up.

Studies show that the inclusion of disabled employees in the active workforce is great not only for the employees but also for the company and the economy! A common misconception is that the hiring process and inclusion of disabled persons can be costly. This could not be further from the truth, especially when governments provide several subsidies to make this process cost-effective.

As a trained and certified individual, you can assist the company in overcoming the unconscious bias in their recruiting. This can go a long way in removing their inhibitions towards hiring disabled employees.

The Individual Mindset

While many employees tend to empathise with their disabled counterparts, realizing their day-to-day challenges is completely different. Individuals trained in caring for the disabled are better equipped at finding solutions for their problems and hence reduce stigma around this.

With this skill set, you would be able to be in a unique position to help educate and guide individuals in your organization. When people in supervisory and managerial roles are better equipped with this practical knowledge, there can be a radical shift in the organizational viewpoint.

Raise the Bar

Most candidates looking for jobs do not bring much besides professional qualifications and technical specialisations to the table. Undertaking a course in disability care conveys the will of the individual to go the extra mile, a trait that goes a long way in both personal and professional development.

These rare skills naturally elevate your reputation, which comes in handy when trying for a new job or appearing for promotion interviews. From one’s personal development perspective, this is also a great way to improve self-esteem and provide positive reinforcement through specialised community service and well-being for the disabled.

For persons with disabilities, disability courses are the stepping stone to an empowered life full of brighter opportunities.

People with disabilities are largely misunderstood and hence, those with the knowledge and skills in their care are positively impacting many lives. Taking a well-structured course in this field would equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills that not only adds value to your company but also improve the lives of many around you.

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