How To Provide Personalized Training To Remote Employees

Ever since remote working has become a reality, there have been either those employees who are in the favor of it or those who loathe converting their home into an office.

It is true that remote working is not everyone’s cup of tea, however, there are still ways that managers can use to make those who are against it feel comfortable. One of these ways is by focusing on their growth.

Many employees to put up with the pressure is to ensure the progress of their career and professional life. When your employees know their growth is being the focus point for their organization, the chances of them staying with you are longer.

Thus, you should consider offering personalized training sessions to employees. These training sessions should focus on polishing their skills and getting them prepared to tackle whatever situation they face.

In this article, you can read about how you can make training sessions interesting and relevant enough for your remote employees.

How To Provide Personalized Training To Remote Employees


Choose the right digital tool

Everything can get sorted when you have just the right tool to deal it with. There are now countless digital solutions available in the market for employers to invest in. There are also various eLearning solutions that make it much easier to personalize training programs for employees when it comes to content, at least.

From a learning management system to a web conferencing tool, the list never seems to end. With a learning management system, you have the chance to create and execute customised training. You can also make use of several gamification features such as leaderboards, reward points, badges, and more.

You can also ensure that your employees are coming across courses that they actually need at that time. Every learner has a different pace and with an LMS, you can keep up with that.

Avoid restrictions

No one likes being restricted. Adding restrictions on location, time, and pace for remote workers can turn out exactly how you don’t intend for it to. Hence, you should make sure your training programs are asynchronous.

This means that all your L&D designers are avoiding to try and fit in-person behaviors and activities into a remote learning environment.

It is true that transforming from traditional learning to online learning can be overwhelming. However, when your employees have the freedom to decide when to attend training, for how long, and from where, they tend to pay more attention and retain information a lot more easily.

Analyze and attend to varied learning needs

Every organization has a different set of individuals working for different roles and departments. This requires them to be trained differently as well in order to maintain relevance. One of the ways to ensure that each employee is trained according to their role and department is by ensuring that they are being able to access learning materials in more than one way.

There are good listeners while others are good readers, you just need to figure out where lies what majority.

Majority, however, prefer video format combined with subtitles or transcripts for their training material. Also, you can consider offering content in shorter pieces.

When your employees are given material that is less than 30 minutes, the chances of them retaining the information and being engaged with the session increases. It is essential that you attend to the different learning needs of different people to make sure you keep them engaged.


Remote working can often get monotonous and tiresome for many. In such times, it is important that they are appreciated and their growth prospects are clear. Thus, the need to offer personalised training is more than ever. There are various tools and methods to make this task a little less challenging, even if not completely easy.

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