How to Select a Font — Guide for Marketers

We regularly face the situation when it is necessary to choose a font for a table, dock, presentation, announcement, or mailing list, and sometimes it is not an easy task. What fonts are there, what are they designed for, where to find the most suitable font, and how to use it correctly? Let’s take a look at it in order.

The font is important. It should simplify reading, be pleasing to the eye, and match the information presented. Properly chosen font affects not only the visual component but also the perception of the content.

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Types of fonts

Despite the many classifications of fonts, there are four main groups:

  • antiques – serif fonts;
  • grotesque fonts – fonts without serifs;
  • handwritten scripts – imitating human handwriting;
  • Accident fonts – decorative fonts for headings or logos.

Serifs are small strokes at the end of a letter.

Size counts

First of all, the font size affects readability and depends on the amount of text. Among recent trends, the priority of reader comfort and the use of a large pin is the size of the font in height, which is measured in the print points. The use of a small size font is becoming less and less frequent.

With the help of different font sizes, the main points in the text are highlighted, for example, for the title and subtitle a larger font is used, for the main content a smaller font is used. In short, the most popular font sizes for doxes, tables, and letters are 11, 12, and 14 items, for an article or blog will fit 16 items, but in the presentation, you can walk to the point of lawlessness, it all depends on the context. Check this with a free poster mockup.

Classic colors for the main text

With the background and text color, everything is simple – dark font on a light background, and this is not just a black and white combination. The background can be light grey or pale yellow, the main thing is to preserve the contrast.

Another property of color in the text is accent and emotional impact on the reader. You can add any of the approximately 16,777,216 colours to the standard black and white text. It is important to note that in your presentation or article you can use the so-called “twist” (light text on a dark background) for title or intermediate slides. Just do not overdo it!

Do not reduce the line spacing

Sufficient width between lines is the key to the easy readability of the material. Unfortunately, this rule is often neglected, trying to fit as much text as possible per page and reduce the line spacing. But it is necessary to provide readers with an easily digestible amount of content, not text for the sake of text. As a rule, for good readability, the line spacing should be between 130 and 150%, while avoiding too much distance, as it will be difficult for the reader to move from line to line.

What is this: 100% spacing means that the font size is equal to the width of the lines, for example, the text is written in the eighteenth font and the eighteenth spacing (in points – a unit of font size change).

Spread the accents

The main accentuation tools in the text are font size, color, stroke (for example, italics) and saturation (for example, bold). All this is necessary to focus the reader’s attention on important points in the text. Depending on the situation, use one or more of these options, the main thing is not to overdo it.

For example, text written in capital letters is not suitable for long reading. AND NEVER WRITE TEXT IN CAPITAL LETTERS ANYWHERE, ESPECIALLY WHEN THE FONT IS BOLD.

Tip: Use fonts with lots of strokes, from thin to bold, so it’s easier to find the right font to highlight or use multiple fonts in your presentation. For example, the Montserrat font has 18 outlines with saturation and slant.
accented fonts

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