Marketing With Promotional Products During Covid-19

Every business should put the word out for their brand to grow and succeed. To do this, a company should implement different marketing and advertising strategies to promote its products and services.

While there is no doubt that online marketing strategies help companies reach out to and engage with potential customers, traditional advertising methods should not be dismissed entirely. 

However, some business owners may wonder if handing out promotional products will still work when people are wary about contracting COVID-19. With businesses trying to adapt to the new normal brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, is it still worth investing in promotional product marketing? 

While some may find the idea too risky, many companies use promotional products as part of their marketing strategy because of the following reasons:


  • Cost-effective: Promotional items are excellent marketing tools that cost very little compared to other methods of advertising. The item may include your brand name, logo, and contact information––your existing and potential customers instantly become brand ambassadors at a reasonable price.
  • Brand awareness: Giving out promotional gifts to clients, and potential customers promote awareness of your brand. Whether it’s a pen, a T-shirt, or a mug, every time someone wears or uses it, you’re increasing brand visibility and creating interest for your goods or services. 


 When deciding on giving away promotional items, analyze how the products will add value to the people receiving them. Instead of giving potential clients a business card that’ll just stay in their wallets, give them a useful promotional product they could use every day.

If your goal is to create awareness and interest in your company, Boost Promotional Products provides a cheap but effective way to build and nurture relationships with customers and prospects. 

Market Your Business With Promotional Product Marketing During The Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic encouraged companies to rethink the way they do business. Organizations should learn to adjust to the current situation to survive. Distributing promotional items during COVID-19 is still a great way to connect with clients. 

Here are examples of promotional products that businesses should consider giving away during the pandemic.


  • Care Package

Marketing With Promotional Products During Covid-19


Customers want to feel valued especially during uncertain times. While you may continue to provide lanyards, hats, or memo pads, there’s no significant value that can be seen in distributing promotional office supplies or accessories during a pandemic.

It’s crucial to analyze what kind of items customers find helpful or meaningful in times like these. A care package may be a small pouch that contains items that help keep the virus away, such as a face mask, a small bottle of sanitizer, and a stress ball. 

If you’re working with a limited budget, care packages can be distributed separately––just ensure these products contain your company logo and contact information. Reputable companies can help you develop business swag items or corporate gifts and promotional merchandise that meet your requirements.


  • Environment-Friendly Items


Marketing With Promotional Products During Covid-19

Encouraging people to care for the environment is a good strategy for promotional product marketing. You can distribute items that can help your customers be kinder to the surroundings.

Reusable bags that are sturdy to use for grocery shopping encourage your customers to avoid using plastic and paper products. Although more expensive, another excellent option is reusable coffee cups or tumblers which they can use for their next visit to Starbucks. 

Encourage your clients to use these environment-friendly promotional products by embossing your company name and information in a refined or modest way.


  • Promote Mental Well-Being


Marketing With Promotional Products During Covid-19

The coronavirus is taking a toll on consumers’ physical health. It’s also the cause of distress and anxiety for many individuals. Let your customers know that you care about their mental wellness with your well-thought-of swag package.

Essential oils can be placed in packages that contain vital company information plus a message to relieve anxiety during troubling times. 

You can also give out succulents in mini jars. These no-maintenance plants help purify the air and increase the humidity in any space. Add a short but inspiring note to lift your customers’ spirits while discreetly reminding them about your brand! 


An effective marketing strategy has different facets, which may include both traditional and digital marketing strategies. It may be easy to dismiss conventional marketing methods since many customers prefer to conduct business transactions over the Internet. 

However, online engagement may not provide customers with the same value and personal touch as giveaways or free promotional items. Promotional products build awareness for your company, but it also helps create loyal customers if handed out creatively and properly. 

Home » Marketing » Marketing With Promotional Products During Covid-19
Alex Coleman has a degree in Master’s in Business Management, and has spent most of his life learning the ins and outs of the business industry. Alex loves to share his knowledge and experience in the business industry by writing blogs on his website and contributing pieces to other online platforms.