ClassOwl acquired by Branch Metrics

Startups dont equate to success all the time. But it doesn’t mean it’s the end of everything. ClassOwl’s chips were down and there was nothing left to do to salvage …

Cleanify got funding of $1.8M

The cleaning industry is yet to experience another startup attempt to success. Cleanify a startup who originated in Vancouver,Canada has gained funding of $1.8M from capitalists like 500 Startups, Kapor …

Internet Access for under-connected People

Technology has been an integral part of development. For a community to progress, communication and connectivity must be established and maintained. One of the many products being developed is the …

Replacing Laptop by an iPad Pro

The 12.9-inch super-powered iPad has many possible uses one of which is to replace laptop. It is more beneficial to laptop users as for its name says “Pro”. Features like …

Founder’s Guide Weekly Review on Global Market

Global Financial Updates Global equities dropped by over 1 percent compared to the previous week performance as investors are concerned of hawkish statements by FED and weakness in commodities. However, …

Events, Seminars, and Conferences in Europe

The Richmond Human Resources Forum, Four Seasons, 26th November 2015 26 November 2015 London, United Kingdom Organization: Richmond Events Ltd Discipline: Social & Behavioral Science Subdiscipline: Business and Management Science …