Cleanify got funding of $1.8M

The cleaning industry is yet to experience another startup attempt to success. Cleanify a startup who originated in Vancouver,Canada has gained funding of $1.8M from capitalists like 500 Startups, Kapor …

Internet Access for under-connected People

Technology has been an integral part of development. For a community to progress, communication and connectivity must be established and maintained. One of the many products being developed is the …

Replacing Laptop by an iPad Pro

The 12.9-inch super-powered iPad has many possible uses one of which is to replace laptop. It is more beneficial to laptop users as for its name says “Pro”. Features like …

Founder’s Guide Weekly Review on Global Market

Global Financial Updates Global equities dropped by over 1 percent compared to the previous week performance as investors are concerned of hawkish statements by FED and weakness in commodities. However, …

Events, Seminars, and Conferences in Europe

The Richmond Human Resources Forum, Four Seasons, 26th November 2015 26 November 2015 London, United Kingdom Organization: Richmond Events Ltd Discipline: Social & Behavioral Science Subdiscipline: Business and Management Science …