Planning An Office Move? Don’t Forget These Essential Steps

It’s an exciting time when you are moving your company to a new office. It is also one of those exercises that can bring a ton of headaches with it if you don’t do your planning properly.

However, if you take things one step at a time and give yourself plenty of space to plot this relocation, there’s no reason why it shouldn’t go off without a hitch.

Planning An Office Move? Don't Forget These Essential Steps

Notify Everyone As Soon As Possible

When you move to a new office, you can’t afford to lose any time when it comes to alerting people about your change of address. This is especially important right now, as you can never predict how the pandemic will cause issues for energy and utility suppliers.

So, before you make the move, make a list of every bill, every contact, and every employee who will need to know about this move. This is a simple step but missing one person off could lead to massive disruption.

Use This Time To Upgrade

A fresh start is a great opportunity to optimize your internet bandwidth. With things as competitive and chaotic as they are right now, hitting the ground running is absolutely crucial and some upgraded data cabling, for example, could take your business to the next level. Taylored Solutions offers data services and cabling solutions to give you the framework your business needs.

Use Movers Who Know What They’re Doing

Moving to a new location means a lot of organization so be prepared. If you don’t have time to do it yourself them hire professional movers. When you are looking for a moving company, ensure that you have given them all the information they need ahead of time and look for good customer reviews.

Double Check The COVID-19 Guidelines

You are going to need to make sure that your place of work adheres to the current COVID-19 safety protocols. It must also allow for as much social distancing as possible and provides plenty of handwashing stations. The guidelines may change as we head towards reopening, so keep an eye on the latest updates from the CDC and from your local government authority.

Talk To Your Employees About Returning To The Office

Some of your colleagues and employees may have some concerns about heading back to the office. Keep them updated about any changes and all the measures that you are taking to keep them safe and healthy.

You should be prepared to work with them to find a way to help them work from home should the want to do so. There have been several reports about workers being scared that their employers will force them to return to the office, so if you want to keep the people that you work with feeling valued, listen to what they have to say about working from home or coming into the office.

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