SEO Reselling – 5 Reasons Why It Makes Sense

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is a huge industry that requires specialist companies who can use a variety of strategies to improve a website’s ranking within a search engine. Often, a digital marketing agency is swamped with clients, which means their specialist team is currently tied up, and not wanting to lose the new client, it makes sense to use a third party expert in a white label format, which maintains your high level of success. If you would like the very best support behind all of your clients, then you need to source an SEO specialist who will carry out the work on your behalf, and here are just a few of the reasons why digital marketing agencies employ the services of other SEO companies.

1. Bespoke Strategies

– Once you are partnered up with an established SEO reseller, you will have bespoke strategies, which allows you to choose content and links. They will also send you reports having all the tracking and analytical information at your fingertips. White label means the campaign will bear your name, so you can actually show your clients exactly what you are doing to improve their website’s rankings.

2. Cost-Effective Solutions

– Directly employing SEO experts can be very costly, with salaries of 40k+, and by enlisting the help of an SEO company that offers a reseller program, they do all the work, and you take the credit, and, of course, the profit. Outsourcing makes financial sense in most situations, and with highly paid SEO analysts and technicians working on your clients’ websites, you are receiving the very best support and it isn’t a major draw on your finances.

3. Lack of SEO Specialists

– The online shopping boom has resulted in a sharp increase in shopping cart websites, and they are all trying to get on the first page with a keyword search. This has created a strong demand for SEO experts, and the supply is often inadequate, not only that, you risk hiring someone who isn’t as proficient as they might be. SEO reselling allows an agency to take on specialist help whenever necessary, and all under their own name.

4. Constant State of Change

– In the early days, it was fairly easy to rank a website. One simply placed the right keywords in the right places and purchase some backlinks, and you would pretty much be there. Since 2010, Google has changed the way they rank websites, and the algorithms are in a constant state of change, as Google tries to keep abreast with the ever increasing domain population. Google has integrated many apps and systems, which only adds to the complexity, and the only way to stay abreast of the cutting edge algorithms is to hire the very best SEO people. To understand more about algorithms, check out different resources that examines the algorithms and stresses their importance.

5. Focus on Converting New Clients

– Simply put, if you and your team are up to your neck in page loading times and site analysis, there is little time for sourcing new clients, whereas, outsourcing to a white label reseller frees up your valuable human resources, and you can focus on promotions and campaigns to increase your customer database. There are new businesses formed daily, and this means more websites for search engines to incorporate, and this is contributing to the added complexity of the search engine’s algorithms. It makes sense to outsource to a trusted source, and with white label solutions, your clients will be none the wiser.


By using a white label SEO reseller, your agency has the best of both worlds, as your clients will be receiving the very best services that are carried out by the experts, and your reputation will grow as being a market leader who delivers the goods.

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