Spicing Up your Comfort Room: 7 Bathroom Renovation Tips to Follow

A bathroom is the favorite spot of homeowners to remodel. They love remodeling bathrooms more than kitchens! It is because a comfort room’s space is small, it makes remodeling easier than average. Additionally, because a homeowner deals with a small space, it also reduces the cost of pain, countertops, cabinets, and flooring.

If you’ve been scrolling through several bathroom renovation ideas, then it’s time to get started on improving your bathroom! Here are seven tips that will surely help you when improving your bathroom:

Spicing Up your Comfort Room: 7 Bathroom Renovation Tips to Follow

1. Set a reasonable budget.

When deciding on a home renovation, you’ll think about how much it’ll cost. Renovating your bathroom is an investment in yourself, your family, and your property. Despite home improvement being an investment, you should still decide on a budget.

The cost of bathroom remodeling can cost as little or as much as you let it happen. However, if you don’t set a strict budget, things can quickly get out of hand.

To create and stick to your budget, think about the following things:

  1. Do you plan on selling your house in the future? If so, how near?
  2. Are you planning on moving around plumed-in items, e.g., sink or toilet?
  3. In terms of investing, what can you afford to pay right now?
  4. What are the crucial parts of your bathroom that you want to change?

2. Go on the Internet.

If you still aren’t sure what to improve in your bathroom, search the Internet! By researching the latest trends, you can get an idea of what looks beautiful nowadays. If you don’t want to follow the trend, then you can still find lots of inspiration on the Internet. Use the things you find online to decide what you like and don’t like before speaking with a contractor. By doing so, you have a more clear view of what your bathroom looks like.

When you finally decide on a design and accessories, you want to replace them in your bathroom. You can visit the Dolphin Solutions Australian website on the Internet to get the best deals and products. They have everything, from hot-air dryers to bins and taps. That’s a green flag for looking for accessories for your bathroom because you can easily shop in one store. You can expect high-quality and sleek products from Dolphin Solutions.

3. Think if you want a bathtub.

Adding bathtubs to a bathroom is a personal choice. It’s either you prefer to add bathtubs because they can be the perfect serene space to soak out the stress of the day, or you would much prefer taking a quick shower. It’s up to you, but you must figure out if you want to add one before the construction occurs.

4. Add More Mirrors

Mirrors in bathrooms aren’t just used to check for make-up anymore; they can be used as a design element that adds light to a room and expands it visually.

5. Choose a design that’s convenient for you.

Most people who renovated their bathroom were so grand that it felt like a maze trying to clean the space. Unfortunately, remodeling a bathroom and making it easy to clean is often overlooked by homeowners because of their desire to create a brand-new bathroom and the excitement that comes with it.

But slow down for a minute when this happens and think about how convenient it is to clean a bathroom if you choose options that make cleaning easier? An example of this is large format tiles with high-grade materials and less glass that makes cleaning easier!

6. The lighting matters!

One of the essential elements but often overlooked in bathroom design is the lighting. When you have already renovated your space but still have bad lighting, this can negatively affect the functionality and aesthetic of your room. Therefore, you should pay attention to the lighting. You must utilize two lightings for your bathroom, and that is natural lighting and artificial lighting.

  • Natural lighting
    A bathroom is a place where you can freely relax, and ample natural lighting can help with that. For most individuals who are thinking of buying a home, natural lighting is a must. As such, most designers recommend using natural light through the use of windows and a skylight.
  • Artificial lighting
    Of course, regardless of how many windows or skylights you have in your bathroom, the sun will eventually set. It entails that you must also have an equal amount of good artificial light. You have numerous options when it comes to artificial lighting.

Think about the places you want to illuminate at night and tell the contractors you wish to place them there. For example, when taking a bath, if you don’t like the light to be too bright, you can install artificial lighting with a dimmer switch.

7. Consider adding plants.

In addition to the natural lighting, you can add plants to give more life to a bathroom. Additionally, plants can add color and clean air to sterile comfort rooms. Finally, you can place them on a floating shelf for an elegant aesthetic.


Remodeling your bathroom is undoubtedly an exciting opportunity to apply your creativity in and apply the bathroom ideas you’ve dreamed of doing. But making sure you do an excellent job with home renovating requires that you be careful with your decisions. These decisions must involve what you and your family genuinely want and need.

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Seth Miller is a full-time blogger who has been writing articles about law and business. Seth has thousands of loyal readers on his blog and continues to reach more people by publishing guests posts on other websites. When Seth is not too busy writing articles, he spends time playing golf with friends and family.