How to generate good publicity and promote your business online

How to effectively launch products and generate good publicity for your business

Author: Julie Marie Bedas

The Internet has an endless abyss of available resources that startups can utilize to launch and promote their business. One of the most important considerations of startups is how to get the word out about its business, products and services to thousands or even millions of consumers.

According to, over 3 billion people are internet users for the year 2015. The Internet is global and universal; if you can get your business to trend in the virtual world, then it will most likely thrive in the real world.

Online marketing strategy to generate good publicity for your business

For startup business, one of the most crucial stages is the launching of your products and services. Thus, you will need to have a good publicity to create a buzz about your business and its products and services.

There are a lot of struggling businesses out there due to lack of branding, name recognition and word- of- mouth.  This reality fuels the need for startups to take advantage of online resources that cater to helping startup businesses to succeed in the market.

Online Tools for Branding

It is very important for your business to have a working website to establish your web presence. You can refer to this article on “How to Make a Company Website”. Another useful online tools to promote your business are Facebook pages and Twitter feeds.

Promoting your Business Online

In addition to that, popular sites like,, and are platforms where you can promote your business. What these sites have in common is that they work to increase the publicity of your website and get the word out about your business; basically, an essential marketing strategy which is made easier through Tomoson.

Tomoson: Online Platform that connects Businesses to influential Industry Bloggers

It is important for your startup business to have an edge in the online media. Having a high page rank for your website means good PR (Public Relations) for your business. To increase your ranking in Google, your website needs to be mentioned in a lot of startup sites, directories, and blogs. This can only happen if you have revolutionizing products, but for those with understated potential, it might be difficult to find good publicity. In this case, you can access Tomoson to help you in spreading the word about your business.

What is Tomoson? It may sound like a medicine, but it’s actually a website which can connect your business to thousands of influential bloggers who are people of influence in the particular field of industry your business is in.

Tomoson: Online Platform Connecting Business to Bloggers

Tomoson is very easy to use with over 20,000+ registered bloggers at your disposal. You can register for free to start using the site. Once you are a registered business in Tomoson, you can start posting for promotions for the product or service you are offering. A promotion is basically a post specifying the details of what you want the bloggers to write about, the entailing tasks you want bloggers to do for you, and an optional setting of the bloggers you prefer to apply.

I have worked as an e-mail handler in Tomoson, and as an inside source, I can really say that the site is useful for businesses. Having influential bloggers publish posts about your business will greatly help your marketing and promotions strategy. The question is, how do you find these bloggers, and how do you get them to write about you?

You can search Tomoson’s database for bloggers placed in different categories such as Arts, Crafts, Music and/or Services, and invite them to apply to your promotion.

If you have received many applications for your promotion, you can choose who to approve by reviewing the bloggers’ profiles. You can see details on their page such as blog visits, Facebook reach, Twitter followers, and Youtube subscribers:

Once you have chosen your blogger(s), you will not have to pay them to write for you, you will just have to send them your product for review or if it’s a service, you can send them a voucher or arrange a meeting with them for a free service. You can also specify a location in your promotion or search bloggers by location to make the arrangements easier.

However, you cannot force them to write only positive reviews about your business. But, if a blogger has written a negative review, Tomoson encourages him/ her to first inform the business before posting the review.

Back when I was working as an e-mail handler in Tomoson, most of the potential customers’ concern was that they have to pay a subscription after the free 30- day trial. The business owners were hesitant since they can find bloggers on their own for free.

But, Tomoson assures its customers that they provide quality bloggers with a wide readership and followers online, and monitor them to make sure that they will write about your product or service. Through Tomoson, you can easily make the arrangements through their platform. You can try it for free, and see if Tomoson works for you, and you can simply cancel your subscription if you are unsatisfied of their service.

If you take the time to search for online resources, there are plenty of sites you can access to help you in launching your startup. In this light, Founder’s Guide website also helps startups and entrepreneurs by sharing and providing business knowledge and information. By making use of these online resources, you can improve your market share and increase loyal customers.

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