Stages of Getting an iOS App Developed for Your Business

To stay ahead of the competition curve, it is important to have a business app. This not only makes you expand your business but increases efficiency for your users.

To develop an iOS app however, you may need a few tricks and tips to get things done.
Firstly, you will have to identify simple things like the unique value proposition that the iOS app has in the first place.

The other thing would be the key functionalities of the iOS application. For a product to be viable, it should be able to solve a problem that already exists in the market. You should be able to identify its unique functionalities that are lacking in the available apps.

At this stage, you should also be able to identify the means to monetize your app once it is up and running.

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Like every other business idea, you should employ extensive research to determine the products already existing in the market.

You should be in a position to identify the competitors’ products, what customers are saying about them in reviews and social media, and what their strengths and weaknesses are.

Similarly, you should identify what makes your competitors unique and what their strategies are.

Choose between Hybrid, Native or Web App

A careful consideration of these types of app development will determine the cost and time required for future maintenance.

Depending on the type of iOS application you settle on, there will be major differences in the programming languages, marketing strategies, and application performance monitoring methods to be used.

Identify Monetization strategies

The other area of huge importance is to identify how your iOS application will make money for your business. These are some of the monetization ways for your application.

Premium Apps: Users will have to purchase these types of apps from the app store. For this reason, you may need to carry out extensive marketing to convince users on the uniqueness of your app. It should be compelling enough to make them trash the free apps for your paid app.

Freemium Apps: These applications are generally free to download but certain functionalities in the app are only accessible through a purchase.
The other monetization means are in-app purchases, subscriptions, in-app ads and sponsorships.

Create a buzz around the App way before launch.

The other stage of developing an iOS app is the marketing strategy. It is quite important to begin your marketing earlier on, before even the app hits the app store.

Key to consider is how to go about your branding colors, where your potential audiences are, their preferences, for example do they prefer watching videos to reading text, etc.

After creating content based on market audience findings, you should be in a position to identify influencers to promote your brand.

Sort security measures early on

If your app will collect private information from users, it is prudent to take the earliest possible opportunity to consult a legal expert beforehand.
Details on how the information will be collected and used should explicitly be divulged to the users.


For a business, developing an iOS application for your staff, suppliers and users is a great step to stay ahead of the competition curve.

We believe this short guide allows you to stay on course in the development of your application development.

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