10 Best Strategies for Generating More Inquiries and Phone Calls From Online Visitors

Designing an aesthetical website and designing one to convert are two different things. Unfortunately, many websites are great but not highly engaging. This article highlights a few tips about lead generation. It will highlight how you can use it to soar to greater heights.

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  • Including Phone Number in Your Website Header

A website is a critical marketing tool for any business. Having one with a complete customer service team that responds to all the phone calls during business hours is a great strategy for generating more inquiries and phone calls. Including your phone number on your website is not as hard as you may think. You ought to create a sticky website header and place your phone number in the top right corner.

  • Email Marketing

Growing your email list and engaging existing customers with great content not only builds brand loyalty but also attracts new users. Email marketing is the right way to go. If you were still pondering over the prospect of using this marketing channel, then it would be wise to check out one of the best sales strategy aligned with online lead generation external team online for further guidance.

  • Include a Call to Action (CTA) Button

Perhaps you are aware that this is one of the best marketing strategies for any website. In the contemporary business platform, having a ‘call to action’ angle is essential. Often, you may need your customers to visit your shop, book an appointment, or make an inquiry, a feat which you can achieve using the call to action button. Make it as visible as possible by using contrasting color designs.

  • Include a Contact Form

The current trend in web design includes the creation of long scroll pages. Many websites are more inclined towards telling their story rather than encouraging the customers to act. You can pounce on this opportunity by including an inquiry form towards the bottom of the page to drive online inquiries.

  • Adding Videos to Demonstrate Your Products and Services

Video marketing is increasingly gaining popularity thanks to its ability to break down complex information into simpler forms. Therefore, if you think your products and services are too complex for your target audience, then it would be wise to employ this strategy. From higher conversion rates to landing pages and the potential to rank highly in Google search engines, having a video presents several benefits.

  • Use Live Chat Whenever Possible

It might be a feasible option for many business owners but one thing is for sure, using live chat goes a long way towards enabling you to generate more inquiries and phone calls from online visitors. Many have claimed that one of the major downfalls of live chat is that it consumes too much time with presumed minimal benefits. Nonetheless, it is still an invaluable strategy worth mentioning.

  • Use a Responsive Web Design

Meeting your client’s needs should be your top priority, regardless of their choice of device. Whether they will be using a smartphone or a computer to view your website, their needs should be fully met. Your visitors will not hesitate to leave your website if at all it is not mobile-friendly.

  • Experiment With Your Deadlines

Headlines are crucial in capturing your clients’ attention. In addition to captivating your visitors, your headline must also highlight the problems that they would like to solve. Mastering this on your first attempt can be challenging so the best approach to take is to experiment before coming up with the great headlines.

  • Capture Every Mail

A secret for improving your lead generation is through asking your visitors to subscribe to your email list. Whether lightbox popups, sidebar widgets, or floating footer bars, whatever option you use should grab your client’s attention.

  • Review Your Metrics

Using the analytics provided by your service provider to monitor your metrics helps you determine what interests your customers. Some of the metrics to watch out for include open rates, subscription rates, click-through rates, and social performance to mention just a few.

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