Successful SaaS Project Management: Why Planning Is Key

Are you trying to figure out a SaaS project management plan, but have no idea where to start? Planning is key to avoid setbacks and software downtime that leads to a huge reduction in business efficiency. If your business relies on integrated software to run, then you need to plan for the unexpected.

Saas project management failure typically starts with a poor planning phase that does not steer the team in the right direction. The start of the project is the time to create the right habits.

Choose a SaaS Project Management System

IT project management planning is easier when you have a system in place.

The system allows you to create a framework for better planning, execution, scheduling, monitoring and reporting. The upside is so huge that you cannot delay adding a project management system to your business.

Only 58% of organizations truly comprehend the value of project management. Here are a few advantages of a project management system to help you plan:

  • Low cost: Most project management apps are inexpensive, which means you can manage a large group of employees with low overheads. Costs increase as you add more features to the system.
  • Integration: Nowadays, management platforms allow for simple integration with other software you’re already using. It’s great if you want to minimize the number of changes when implementing a new management system.
  • Scalability: Adding new team members to the management platform should be a seamless process. It allows new employees to add value quicker and is less of a burden on your management team.

Choose a project management system to lay a foundation that makes subsequent steps easier. It’s difficult to plan correctly when you don’t have a robust system to handle communication and task allocation.

Why planning ensures smooth implementation

Adding SaaS to your business is a big deal. Get it right and you can reap the rewards out of the gate. However, hiccups could delay the advantages of the new system as you iron out the kinks. Learn from the mistakes of other businesses to ensure you don’t fall victim to the same errors.

Planning helps project managers create a goal-focused schedule that increases the chances of successful implementation. Employees understand what changes are happening and when. It means they can get prepared with their schedule to help with a smooth transition.

Preparation helps with risk management by identifying key areas where things could go wrong. The problem areas should receive special attention to minimize potential setbacks. For example, if the system does not work as intended, then you could have backup plans. SaaS alternatives are a good backup choice if the primary system is compromised.

Hold a meeting

Consider holding a meeting in the office with team members to plan accordingly. The meeting should be a platform where everyone can voice their opinions about implementing the new SaaS platform.

Ensure you convey the benefits of the new SaaS software so that employees are on board with the change. It allows employees stuck in their ways to understand the hassle of making the switch. Also, discuss the project timeline and objectives from a macro standpoint. It enables all employees to get on the same page.

Open the floor up for anyone to raise concerns and hesitations. Team members should feel part of the process. Employees may spot problems with the plan and it’s better to know before starting. Use WordPress questionnaire plugins to get the opinion of members before the meeting starts. The results may indicate the obvious topics of discussion.

Understanding the technology

Part of the planning process includes setting up your team for success by educating them about the latest technological developments. You’re installing the new software because it’s an upgrade and offers the best of what’s available on the market. Veterans in your employment may not understand the technological advances to utilize the system from day 1 fully.

Educate your workforce to empower them in their upcoming roles. The mindset should be to adapt and improve instead of staying stagnant. You may need to provide educational courses or send your employees for extra classes.

Avoid delays

Deadlines are key to avoid losing profits and proper planning can help reduce the chances of delays. Ensure everyone is on the same page about when the work starts and what the deadlines are. Figure out how much resources you’ll need to complete work on time. You’re likely to go over budget because 1 in 6 projects end up costing more than 200% of the original estimate.

Mistakes will be made and you’ll miss a few micro-deadlines. However, it’s how you recover from setbacks that determines the overall result. Setting up an effective communication network is key to solving problems.

Project management platforms are great for gathering team members to exchange ideas on a digital platform. A hierarchy is ideal where team members have specific managers responsible for each department.

Create a single page plan

Once you have decided on the plan’s specifics, you need to condense the information onto a single page. At a glance, you should be able to understand the most important aspects of the project.

The questions answered on the page should include:

  • What are the start and end dates?
  • What are the biggest challenges and risks?
  • How many resources are available?
  • What technological upgrades are included?
  • What metrics will be used to measure success?
  • What are the advantages of implementing the new system?
  • How can the project be broken up into milestones?
  • The generic questions are a good starting point, but you should include ones applicable to your project. Ideally, the page is a resource that can be revisited to ensure the project remains on track.

Final thoughts

You now know that planning is essential for successful SaaS project management. Thorough planning involves estimating the resources, communicating with your team, assessing risk and choosing a project management platform. Follow these simple steps and you’ll set the stage for the project to come.

Don’t spend too long in the planning phase and get started once you have a basic overview of the project. Along the way, you’ll make multiple modifications once you reassess the project objectives and limitations.

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