The 5 Step Process to Creating a Marketing Funnel That Drives Sales Like Clockwork

Sales are the lifeblood of any business and that is why you need to work hard at creating a marketing strategy that keeps the orders coming in on a consistent basis.

Using a Chicago digital agency to help you achieve your aims, for instance, could help boost your ability to create an effective marketing funnel, in addition, here are some pointers to creating that blueprint for sales success.

How to Set Meaningful Marketing Goals

Creating brand awareness

The concept of a marketing funnel has been around for decades, and that is a testament to how well the idea works, but although the framework of the concept remains the same there have been a few tweaks to reflect changes in marketing channels such as the introduction of social media platforms.

Brand awareness is a fundamental process in the marketing funnel and that means ensuring your business is discovered by your target audience via strategies such as SEO and social media.

Getting the consideration stage right

The next stage is known as consideration and that is all about managing to turn that brand awareness into clear purchasing intent.

This part of the process often involves using analytics so that you can classify all of your users and create campaigns that are relevant to each particular audience sector.

Converting leads into sales

Your next task is to turn consideration into action and that involves finding a formula that moves someone from being a potential customer into a purchaser.

Purchases are the ultimate aim as that means someone is paying you money and generating a sale but it is also important to remember that successful conversions cover other positive actions, such as signing up with an email address or downloading content.


Getting them to buy again

Your future sales success is not just about getting a customer to make a purchase but convincing them to return again and again.

Brand loyalty is marketing gold and you need to take the view that achieving a sale is not a one-time deal but the start of a potentially long-term relationship.

A lot of hard work has gone into getting the customer to that critical point in the marketing funnel but you now have to focus your mind on maximizing your ROI potential.


Referrals are a great source of new business

The final step of the marketing funnel process is all about ensuring that you find a way of getting your satisfied customers to do your sales job for you and help with lead generation.

This is a real win-win situation as satisfied customers are highly likely to recommend you to other people and their word carries a lot of weight when it comes to their purchasing decisions.

If you can build a successful stream of new customers through recommendations you will most likely have cracked the code of implementing an effective marketing funnel that takes your sales performance to a new level.

Does your current process follow these golden rules of marketing?

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