Three People You NEED In Your Business

Three People You NEED In Your Business
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When you start out as an entrepreneur, it is very easy to feel like you are part of a one man band. The business was your idea and in many respects, it is your baby – you want to nurture it and to watch it grow. The idea of letting anyone else get involved with that process almost feels wrong. But this is a classic sign of a business owner being far too overprotective. Sure, it can be very intimidating when you let other people get involved in the business you worked so hard to get off the ground. But trying to do it all yourself simply doesn’t work – you will eventually burn out, and your business will probably fail as a result. No self respecting CEO ever wants this to happen. So, if you are feeling ready to expand your startup, here are some of the top people you need by your side to ensure that your business succeeds.

Three People You NEED In Your Business
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A finance expert

No one was born knowing all about money. If you are new to the world of investments, tax and other financial agreements, you might want to think about hiring a finance expert to help you manage the money your business deals with. What type of finance expert you hire depends on what stage of business you and your company are at. For example, if you are trying to secure funding for your startup, you may want to get in touch with a commercial finance broker. Or, if your business has been up and running for a number of years, you might want to take on a professional accountant, or someone who knows about peer to peer lending.

A marketing professional

Your business could be the greatest idea in the world; it could be a revolutionary service that completely transforms people’s lives for the better. But if no one knows about it, how on earth do you expect the clients to come? Trying to manage the ins and outs of a business along with doing all the promotion simply isn’t a feasible lifestyle, especially now we live in the digital age. Hire a media professional and leave the marketing and PR to them. Make sure they have good press links and are social media savvy – that way you can get the ball rolling straight away.

Three People You NEED In Your Business
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Many businessmen and women put off getting a PA, as some of us tend to kid ourselves that we are capable of doing everything ourselves. In reality, however, once you are on the fourth week of barely any sleep, that PA starts to look like a much more attractive prospect. As your business grows, you will have less and less time to deal with the minor pieces of admin that pile up on your desk every week. If you are taking the company international, you might even find yourself halfway across the world, unable to attend meetings and catch up on a backlog of work. Having a PA to do these things for you can save you so much time in the long run, and get your business running to full capacity. If you need assistance on more complicated business administrative tasks, you might want to check the services of a reputable executive assistant recruitment agency to help you find the perfect person.

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