Tips For Great Copywriting For Your Website

Take a look at your website – is it as great as it could be? Your graphics, layout and design could all be great, but if the copy is bad, you’re going to lose potential customers within the first minute of them landing on your website. Is it time you refreshed your copy? The following tips could help you boost your website copy and turn those browsers into buyers.

how to make a great website

Keep it simple

Unless you’re publishing an academic paper online, you’ll want to make sure that the copy you choose is simple and to the point. Imagine that everything you’re writing is on a time limit – you have to make your point in 10 seconds, or you’ll lose your customer. Short, sharp sentences are key, and if you can make the important elements stand out through your design, even better. It can be difficult to write effectively after years of dumbing it down for texting, Facebook, etc. but if you need some tips on improving your writing, it wouldn’t hurt to refresh your skills with some simple writing tips: Keep wording simple, don’t use anything too complicated and make sure you pay attention to spelling and grammar. Use these wrong and you’ll lose credibility with many of your potential customers.

Write it, and then write it again

Websites can be repetitive, especially those that sell products of which there are many similar descriptions. Get into the habit of writing something, and then writing it again to make sure you can find different, interesting ways of talking about the same subject – this will improve your writing overall and give options to others to choose from as to what makes the best copy. Often you’ll find that you are able to condense what you’ve written the second time around, which goes back to the first point about keeping it short and simple.

Write for your audience

Your online audience will be different depending on who you want to target. Selling kids toys? You’re writing to their parents. Writing about B2B solutions? You’re targeting businesses and professionals. Each audience has a different style of writing, and it’s important to research and find the most appropriate one to prevent you from alienating those that you’re looking to target. You’ll find useful information on writing for your audience from this website:, while it doesn’t hurt to see what your competitors are doing too.

Incorporate SEO

SEO (search engine optimization), is the tool that websites use in order to push their page up the rankings of search engines, in order to make their page more visible to people who are searching for that product or service. Incorporating SEO into your writing is a skill, and the disjointed, obvious keyword placement of the past is now more sophisticated and subtle, and must be tackled correctly to get that all important click that will connect that potential buyer to your website.


Copywriting is somewhat of an art, but done correctly it can yield big results for your business. Take the time to evaluate your website and whether or not it could be stronger. There are some great tips and tricks to be found online to help you strengthen your copywriting skills that will not only help you to build a better website, but connect with the very audiences you’ve been looking to reach.


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