Ways to Find a Reliable Business Partner as a Tech Startup

Are you planning on starting up a business of your own that will allow you to fulfill your dreams? Whatever your business model will be, you might be thinking about collaborating with a smart and reliable business partner. This could be a strategic move that will help you get a lot more done in a shorter amount of time. But how can you be sure that you are going to choose the right business partner? Check out the tips below to learn a bit about this topic.

Ways to Find a Reliable Business Partner as a Tech Startup

Find Like-Minded Individuals with Experience

There are several ways that you can find people who might serve as wonderful business partners. For example, you can consider friends and family, or former and current colleagues and coworkers. You can also attend various networking events, and you can use social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, that are designed to connect professionals.

No matter what, when you meet someone, interview them to learn more about them. Do a search online to learn more about their history, and to see what information is out there regarding their reputation. If they are like-minded, professional, motivated, and successful, those are all good signs that they might be the right partner for your venture.

Run Background Checks

It might seem a little weird at first to think that you should run a background check on someone that you are thinking about going into business with, but the truth is that this is a great way to ensure you are interacting with someone who is genuine and trustworthy.

Remember, people can always lie about who they are and where they have been. They can lie about what they did in the past, and they can hide a criminal past. With resources that you can use to look up background information, however, you can get the answers that you need. So, for example, if you met someone at a networking event and they seem great, you can use Nuwber or Leadar to look up background information. This can help shed more light on whether or not you should trust them and proceed to get them to know them better.

Ask Around

Even after you’ve interviewed someone to be your business partner, it’s a good idea to ask that person’s colleagues for their opinion on whether or not they’d make a good partner. After all, if you’ve never worked with someone, but you want to figure out if you would be able to work well together in business, you can gain valuable insight by asking those who have already worked with your prospective business partner. It’s similar to employers calling up a candidate’s references.

After interviewing others about a potential new partner, you might discover that they withheld information about their past, that they spoke about themselves in a dishonest way, or that they have trouble getting along with others. So, again, interviewing the candidates themselves is key, but going a step further to check in with others who have already worked with them can also be a helpful strategy.


Take your time to talk to your potential partner regarding all the key business points. Find what you agree and disagree on before you establish your business relationship. See if you manage to negotiate and explain your point of view. Go through all the possible outcomes and discuss how you will deal with them.
That will give you an idea of what to expect from each other and you will be prepared for whatever comes your way.

It’s also advisable to put everything in writing and make legally binding.

It can be challenging to find the right business partner, but if you have a good strategy in place, you will know what steps to take, and it can make the process less daunting. Just be patient and detail-oriented so you can do everything you need to ensure you make the right choice.

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