What Are the Different Types of SEO That Exist Today?

Did you know that 90.63% of people don’t go past page 1 of Google after making a query?

Because this is such an exceedingly high percentage of users, you need to invest in a search engine optimization (SEO) campaign that will build you up in these rankings. Read on to learn the common types of SEO that you can invest in so that you can choose the right strategy to fit your needs.

What Are the Different Types of SEO That Exist Today?

On-Page SEO

On-page SEO are alterations that you make to your website itself to make it more appealing to search engine spiders. These crawlers scour the web and find pages that appear relevant to certain queries.

They do this partially by looking for sites that include the query’s keywords and boost them up in the rankings. Read here to learn more about performing keyword research and how it can boost your business’s success.

Including high-volume keywords is a huge part of your on-page SEO strategy, so make sure that you look into those that have many searches and low ranking difficulty. On-page SEO strategies also include quality content, internal linking to other areas of your website, a good tagging system, and a mobile-friendly interface.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to changes that you make outside of your website to make yourself more appealing to search engine crawlers. External linking (or backlinking) is critical for these strategies. This means linking to other high-traffic and reputable sites from your blog post to form a connection with them that Google crawlers love.

You also need to update frequently on multiple social media platforms and post inbound links to direct traffic to your webpage. Off-page SEO also means getting good reviews online and building a reputation within your market.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is a type of on-page SEO that refers to ensuring that a website meets the requirements of search engines. You optimize the HTML text and tagging system to ensure that your site is built correctly. This means optimizing your site speed, architecture, redirects, mobile accessibility, and HTML.

Local SEO

Since mobile searches are increasing in popularity, ‘near me’ searches are becoming more common. So are queries with state, city, or town names attached to them. People want to find stores, restaurants, and businesses in their area that they can actually physically go to.

Local SEO is what makes this possible. You can include local keywords in blog posts to rank in your area. Claiming your Google My Business listing and linking it back to your website is also a great way to attract local attention.

Beyond Common Types of SEO

Though SEO is critical for the growth of any business, it’s challenging to select the strategy that will work best for you. However, if you consider your individual needs and do a little research, choosing the right kind of SEO for your startup will be much easier.

Now that you know the most common types of SEO that you should invest in, it’s time to learn more about digital marketing. Check out the ‘Biz Snippets’ tab on our website to get more information about growing your business and gaining visibility.

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