Why SMEs Should Consider Managed Security Services

Cybersecurity is becoming a major concern for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who are more vulnerable than larger organizations, which have better breach detection and response capabilities. To improve cybersecurity operations, SMEs have to take a more holistic approach to improve their business security operations.

Hiring and retaining cybersecurity experts is no easy task for small and medium-sized enterprises. Building a reliable team of cybersecurity experts for your business is difficult. That’s why more SMEs are turning to managed detection and response service providers as an additional layer of security on top of their existing security infrastructure.

Why should you consider managed security services as a better alternative?


Reliable Delivery on Speed to Value

With constantly changing cybersecurity needs, cybersecurity experts across the globe agree that it would take months for any in-house cybersecurity investment to deliver real value to a business. Any delays in implementing cybersecurity policies can even frustrate the most dedicated security operations teams. How do managed security services (MSS) change this?

More SMEs are opting for managed security services due to the benefit of speed to value when it comes to delivering tangible cybersecurity results. Any business struggling with resourcing cybersecurity initiatives can immediately enjoy new capabilities such as security incident management, proactive and protective monitoring and capable threat detection from MSS.

By taking advantage of managed security services, your business can easily enhance its responsiveness to compliance events and build greater trust between the in-house cybersecurity team and that of the MSS team. An IT expert notes that choosing the right MSS team makes all the difference: CBI provides digital managed services for your business.


Trusted Cyber Security Intelligence

Any data breach that disrupts a business’s operations has the potential to affect cash flow, and this can be severe. Data shows that over 50% of cyber attacks target small and medium-sized enterprises, and this is resulting in more SMEs increasing their IT budgets to counter these threats. Despite doing this, SMEs are finding it increasingly difficult to handle cybersecurity on their own.  

The scope of the protection challenge is broad and beyond what they can handle. This is where managed security services come in. MSS providers have the skills, resources and infrastructure needed to provide reliable and trusted cybersecurity intelligence that ensures your business is able to stay ahead of cyber attackers and respond to threats in real-time. Partnering with the right MSS provider to work as part of your cybersecurity team is highly recommended.


Continuous Compliance

There’s no doubt that trying to execute the growing number of industry compliance audits is a time-consuming and arduous process. Despite the challenges that SMEs face in meeting industry compliance requirements, ensuring continuous compliance is necessary. Partnering with a managed security service provider is the way to go.

MSS providers link up with industry regulators to offer the best practical advice and guidance when it comes to ensuring continuous compliance. They provide established compliance monitoring services needed to analyze security needs for access, data retention and assessment of employee best practices and how to manage and respond to security events.


Security Monitoring is Important

A Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report shows security monitoring is critical regardless of the size of your business. Everyone is now vulnerable to some type of security event, and one of the best ways for small and medium-sized enterprises to implement an effective cybersecurity program is by partnering with managed security service providers.


About the Contributor:

Shawn Barton is an influencer marketing pro with brownboxbranding.com who is passionate about building authentic relationships and helping businesses connect with their ideal online audience. He keeps his finger on the pulse of the ever-evolving digital marketing world by writing on the latest marketing advancements and focuses on developing customized blogger outreach plans based on industry and competition.

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