Why You Should Turn From Traditional Employee Induction Methods To Online Induction Training

Have you ever passed an interview and reported to work only to be left figuring things out by yourself? That perhaps must be one of the worst experiences you have ever had in your career life. A good employer is one that ensures that the employee knows what is expected of them from the word go. The moment you set foot in the new office for the first time, you should be guided on what to do and what not to do, and this is only possible through induction. As digital technology continues advancing, so are the different procedures in the workplace, including induction. Today, most companies have shifted to the use of online induction training software and here’s why;

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  1. It is cost-effective
  2. Most companies today are always looking for ways that they can reduce their operational costs, and online induction training has proved to be one of the ways to do so. In an online induction, you no longer have to incur costs such as printing costs, hiring a room for training, hiring a trainer, and so on. All you need to do is to ensure that your new employees can access a laptop, computer, or mobile phone that connects to the internet and that’s just it.

  3. It eases the induction process
  4. Let’s face it; most employees will always have a fear of the unknown during the face to face induction. How does the trainer think of me? Am I well dressed for this job? Are the rest better than I am? These are some of the questions that often run through one’s mind during the face to face induction process. Online induction training, on the other hand, helps the new employees’ ease up and adjust quickly to the job. They no longer have to worry about what other people think of them, and they can go through the induction process at their own pace.

  5. It standardizes training for all staff
  6. A Quality induction process is paramount as it determines how the new employees will be able to blend in and do their job as expected. Online induction ensures that all the necessary materials are available for all the employees. With face to face training, you might find the new employees saying they were never informed about something or they did not know a certain thing and so on. On the other hand, online induction ensures that all training materials are available to all parties and that there won’t be any excuse whatsoever in case something is not done right.

  7. Improves communication
  8. The moment a new employee gets equipped with all the information they require to start their job, it becomes even easier for them to communicate with the rest. By the time they start their job, they at least know the hierarchy of the organization as well as some of their department colleagues. This makes them feel at home and even free to ask any questions when they feel stuck at any point.

Now that you are aware of the benefits of online induction training software, it is about time to ditch the traditional induction methods.

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