How Intelligent Is Your Marketing Campaign?

Every company knows marketing is important to their business, but some make it a greater priority than others – and it shows. If you’re doing little beyond the bare basics of marketing, it might be time to try a new approach. Taking your marketing in a more intelligent direction can have a considerable impact, and quickly, too. Below, we offer five ways you can step up your marketing campaign to make it more sophisticated, and get a better return on your investment at the same time.

5 ways to step up your marketing campaign

Reworking Old Content

If you’ve had your business for a while, you’ll have developed a lot of web content, promotional materials, and so on. The problem is, after a while, these can begin to look a bit stale when they’re in their original format. And in any case, the way people consume information is different from how it was even a year ago, so people might not be reading your texts, no matter how good they are. Instead of letting it go to waste, repurpose your old content into new formats, such as infographics, e-books, newsletters, and so on.

Bringing Online Business To The Real World

Many online businesses seem to think that all their marketing should take place online, and even “real world” businesses tend to keep their offline and online marketing strategies separate. In reality, they should flow into one another. If you’re an online business, don’t let the real world pass you by – that’s where the people are, and you’ll be able to engage with them in new and interesting ways. Set up a stand on the street and hand out promotional materials, such as custom printed magnets, USB drives, or pens. Just because you run your business from behind a screen doesn’t mean you have to stay there forever. And talking of entering the real world….

Stealth Marketing

The whole world is a stage, and it’s ripe for marketing – albeit in a stealthy way. ‘Guerilla marketing’, as it’s known, is the art of getting your name out on the street (sometimes literally) through unorthodox methods. For example, you can use chalk and draw on the floor, with your business name attached, or leave posters, fliers, and business cards around town. There are rules to this type of marketing, and they mostly have to do with making it interesting. It should be a work of art, more or less, first and then promotional material second.

Have a View

You could make your marketing campaign more intelligent simply by…being intelligent. Some companies shy away from taking a stand on anything, but it’s not always a risk. If there’s an issue concerning your industry, take a stand. By writing blog posts and tweeting on the subject, you’ll be establishing yourself as an expert in the field.

Look to the Future

Today is important, but tomorrow could be a game changer. Make sure you’re keeping abreast of the latest internet trends of the future and start transitioning your marketing before they become widespread: you’ll be ahead of the game.

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