10 Points To Check Before Joining A Digital Marketplace

What is a Digital Marketplace? A digital marketplace is an online platform where you can sell or buy products online. The digital marketplace is where you can promote or advertise your work and get paid for it. It’s a brilliant platform for growing web designers, marketers, writers, web developers, content publishers and other talented people and let them exhibit and advertise their skills earning from them.

Templatemonster.com is one of the best digital marketplaces out there. Their stock of digital products is vast. It includes nearly 60 000 items developed for different engines, like WordPress themes, for instance. Those templates cover the most popular business niches, like restaurant WordPress themes, and many others.

They have over 60 million potential clients and are evolving more and more each day. They also provide up to 70% commission for each sale via their website.

Notwithstanding the fact that digital marketplaces are awesome, there are certain things you need to check out before joining the one. Please see the list down below.

1. Time

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Time is really essential in everyone’s life. Proper time management is extremely important, especially when you are in the online business. Make sure that there is enough time in your disposal because you will need to invest a large amount of it into the digital marketplace once you are aboard. Preparing the catalogs, listing the products, creating content, designing etc., requires proper time management. But if you are the type of person who is really tight with their time schedule, you can turn to people on the digital marketplace, who provide such services.

2. Competition

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You should know that the competition in this field is really tough. For instance, nowadays you will get lots of videos and tutorials that will help you in learning web design. Thanks to these online tutorials, there are lots of web designers and other freelancers out there. Similarly, with the help of internet, there are many people growing their skills in this field, so the competition becomes higher. Before you join a digital marketplace, you should shape up your skills in order to survive in this competitive world. The lower of your skills level is, the lower is your chance of survival.

3. Expertise

Before you join a digital marketplace, you need to know what Digital Services you can offer and what your area of expertise is.
These digital services include:

  • Software engineering, web development, user research, web designing, content creating, publishing, and more.
  • You can choose to work in whatever area you are good at, like, if you possess good writing skills you can choose content creating and publishing.
  • Similarly, you can choose to do web publishing, back-end programming, database management etc., if you are good at it or even web designing etc. There are numerous fields that you can work in.

4. Case studies

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Case studies are like tests which are used to analyze your strong and weak points. You should create your case study because the buyers use them to analyze the sellers’ profiles when searching for the one. The customers need to know if they are making the right decision when hiring you. The case which you create should demonstrate your skills and expertise. While creating a case study, make sure that it showcases the appropriate skills and expertise you possess and also remember that there is no need to show every single detail except for the most essentials skills.

5. Checking your Inventory

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When you join a new marketplace, you must have enough inventory to sell stuff. You cannot just make a place in the digital marketplace, without having anything to sell. How will you meet up the expectations of the customers? How do you intend to fulfill their needs with insufficient inventory?

What about the demand? What about the competition from others? You need to analyze all these factors and have sufficient inventory for your clients.

It is utterly essential to have enough items in stock to meet the demands of the current marketplace. In addition to this, you also need to keep your inventory updated by bringing up new products and designs very often and change according to the latest trends.

6. Selecting the digital marketplace

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You need to browse through different digital marketplaces and you need to understand what makes them the best. What attracts the customers towards them and what strategies they are making use of in order to fulfill the above? Choosing the right marketplace plays a vital role in the success of your career. If you browse and search for various digital marketplaces, you will get plenty of options to choose from. Always choose the one that will provide you with a large number of potential clients.

7. Research on the market

Browse through different digital marketplaces, look through their products and study their sellers and strategies. What attracts the customers more? You must also make a good research on the top selling products to get an idea of the current trends. You must make use of all these observations and try to incorporate these in your work. If your work does not comply with the trends being followed these days, it won’t be sold much and won’t get you much profit, so make sure to do a proper market research to keep your work up to date.

8. Pricing and costs

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The prices that are appropriate for your products will be decided by technical experts. These experts define the price keeping in mind the quality of the product and also a few other factors. After analyzing your product in details, these experts set a particular price range for it. You can tweak the price range a bit and alter your prices but do it within that range. You can observe and make proper market research on how other vendors are fixing prices for their products, take tips and follow the trend. If your product ends up being overpriced or underpriced, this will certainly lead to either loss of customers or loss in monetary funds.

9. Make your product market ready

It is never easy to make customers buy your products, especially with today’s competition in the digital marketplace. There are numerous marketing places these days, with a lot of similar products. Amongst so many products, you need to attract the visitors and make them choose your product over all the other products. For this, you need to advertise the product in a way that will make them look visually appealing and also create a good content that will help the customer understand your product better. Use good product descriptions, attractive videos, photos, strong social media coverage, etc.

10. Selling the product

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The final thing to take care of is selling the product. You should keep in mind all the factors that were mentioned above while selling your product. Along with these, there are two ways of selling your product on these digital marketplaces. They are: exclusive and non-exclusive.
The exclusive way of selling means selling your products exclusively in one particular digital marketplace. Whereas, a non-exclusive way of selling means selling products on multiple digital markets. Both of the ways have various advantages as well as disadvantages of their own. You need to know what suits best for your product and move on with them.


As the years are passing by, more and more people are adapting to modern technology and digital marketplaces in gaining high popularity. Obviously, who wants to have it the tough way out, when everything can be got easily using these developing technologies? Hence, digital marketplaces are gaining popularity as a great type of business and are earning a good reputation as well.

Free ebook

Are you ready to join one of the digital marketplaces as a vendor and start to earn more money? That’s a brilliant decision, but you’ll probably need further guidance to make up your mind. Click here to download the Ultimate Vendor’s Guide, a free eBook from Template Monster aimed to help you out.

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