2,700 Model X Vehicles Voluntarily Recalled by Tesla

Tesla once again voluntarily recalled a vehicle model. Tesla has also made a recall on its Roadster, Model S, and a charging cable before. This time, 2,700 Model X were taken back to fix a flaw on its third-row seat which might be dangerous in accidents. They have also sent notices to their customers through emails that they should not use the third row seat until it has been replaced.

The flaw was discovered when the team at Tesla was doing a seat strength test of the Model X for its release in the European market. The fault was found on the locking hinge that allows the rear seat to fold forward and causes the back seat to go down during a crash. This has not happened before, and Tesla is the taking steps to make sure it never happens.

Owners of Model X will be contacted to schedule the replacements of their seats. It is said to be completed by the next five weeks.


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Camille Marie Marcon is a professional creative content writer who has worked for international companies from American to British to Australian and now Japanese. She has also worked as Freelance Marketing Consultant for a local startup in Cebu.