3 Marketing Tips for Amazon Sellers

Amazon FBA is one of the most accessible business models there is, but it’s a very cutthroat business as well. Competition on the platform can feel overwhelming at times, and if you don’t execute properly or choose the right product, you might get wiped out by a competitor with a bigger war chest or better connections than you.

This is why you need to learn about the platform in and out before you start and avoid some of the mistakes many people make when they start selling on Amazon. Marketing will also make a huge difference and knowing how to market your products properly will set you apart from the rest. Let’s take a look at a few marketing tips all Amazon sellers should follow.

3 Marketing Tips for Amazon Sellers

Start with a Plan

You have to first create a detailed marketing strategy before you start. You need to look at both internal and external marketing. External marketing is any strategy that involves sending people to your site from outside sources. Internal marketing is any strategy that will focus on optimizing your listings, improving your conversion rates, and attracting people from within the site.


A lot of people don’t realize how big Amazon’s search engine is, but it’s actually the second biggest search engine in the world after Google. Optimizing your SEO will help you attract people who search for your type of product on the site and people looking for your site on Google.

The first thing you have to do is to pick up a keyword research tool. Google’s keyword planner is perfect, but you should also consider picking up a specialized tool like Scope. Scope is a paid product but was made specifically for Amazon sellers. You’ll get metrics that are relevant to searches on the site and not search engines in general, which will help inform your keyword strategy better.

The next step is optimizing your listing. Here, you need to focus on creating a highly descriptive title and description first and foremost. Do not try to cram as many iterations of top keywords as possible in your description as it will come off as spammy. Try to integrate keywords naturally into the text and use them as a general theme. Also, use them naturally in headers and sub headers for that extra kick.

Use Social Media Wisely

Social media could be one of the most powerful tools in your Amazon FBA marketing arsenal, so learn how to use it. If you have a wide selection of products, then you could use a platform like Instagram to showcase them. You could also create detailed videos and post them on your Facebook page.

You can advertise some of your products using Facebook’s PPC platform. What makes it so great is how laser-targeted their ads are. You could advertise only to people who are into that kind of product with great results.

Another thing we suggest that you do is to look at places like TikTok and the opportunities they offer. You may not know this, but there are TikTok channels that are dedicated to showcasing new Amazon products specifically, and some of them are extremely popular.

If you sell fun and quirky products, you could create a channel and start releasing videos. Another thing you could do is get in contact with influencers there. If you don’t know how to go about it, you can try to contact them directly but you can also find an influencer agency that will connect you with the perfect type of influencer for your needs and budget.

These are all tips that you can use to boost your listings’ visibility through proper marketing. Marketing is a very important part of selling on Amazon, so learn as many techniques as you can and try mastering them.

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