4 Reasons Why You Should Retain Project Management Tools and CRM Separately

All in one solution attract a broad audience. In the case of customer relationship management, does it help? Surprisingly, no!

It isn’t effortless that Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software buyers aren’t Project Management (PM) software buyers and vice-versa. Both these industries don’t match the requirements to fit into each other completely.

When you look into a project management tools list, you will find the difference between them.

Here’s a detailed explanation for why you should use separate tools for project management and CRM.

4 Reasons Why You Should Retain Project Management Tools and CRM Separately 4 Reasons Why You Should Retain Project Management Tools and CRM Separately


  • CRM concentrates on the long term 

The main motive of project management software is achieving the target deliverables within the deadline. It is so apparent that it comes with a lifespan.

In the case of CRM software, you might be aware that it focuses on long-term success. 

For example, when you have multiple projects from a single client, you can’t manage all the customer’s information on the same platform as that for project management.

This is why you need a separate tool to manage customer feedback.


  • CRM and PM combination is expensive

First of all, CRM and project management tools list rarely exist. Some of those rare combinations include Teamwave and 1CRM.

When you have free project management software and free CRM separately, it isn’t wise enough to go for the combos.

Remarkably, the different options are budget-friendly for the small businesses that deal with the customers directly.

On the flip side, going for open source project management software and CRM would help you customize the widgets according to your business requirements.

For example, Hubspot CRM, an open-source CRM, offers inbound marketing that allows lakhs of contacts synchronization within the same tool. 

Also, Airtable, an open-source Project Management, has numerous project planning tools like Gantt Charts, Kanban Tools.


  • CRM is solely for customer data

CRM and Project management tools have some similarities like project planning, email marketing, time tracking tool, mobile integration feature, and a system to organize contacts.

Despite the similarities, both software has different functionalities. Notably, CRM focuses on customer data on feedback about the products, queries, and personal details.

On the contrary, a project management software fulfills the more comprehensive picture like business goals, defining the budget & deliverables, agile support, and workflow management.

You might find Customer Relationship Management software and project management software looks clumsy when put together on analyzing.


  • CRM with PM plugin features

To find the middle ground, you can compromise to have a plugin that deals with the company-specific needs.

Companies that require a CRM doesn’t need a robust project management tools list. They want a task manager to go with their CRM. 

In that case, it makes a lot of sense to go for an extended CRM with a task manager plugin in it. 

On the other hand, some companies require specific project management software like an Agile project management tool that helps manage few clients.

You can choose the opposite that is a robust project management tool with a CRM plugin in these cases.

Thus, a hybrid strategy of using a CRM with a PM plugin helps you to attract leads, manage sales, and deliver the product within time. 

It is especially beneficial for businesses like a marketing agency, B2B SaaS (Software as a Service).

The Bottom Line

The software-plugin combination will probably work the best if you want all your customer projects and their contacts and deals on the same page. As a result, it increases your visibility and builds the same hub for reporting.

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