4 Ways To Make A Lasting Impact At Your Next Networking Event

Even in a world that is almost entirely dominated by the Internet, it is hard to see where else you can go to maximize your exposure. However, a lot can still be said for networking events because a lot can be said with getting face to face time with people that are looking to build relationships in your sector. The big question is, how do you go about making a bigger impact and ensuring that those you meet remember your meeting over the hundreds of others?

Well, to help you answer this, we have come up with some steps that anyone operating in any sector can do to better maximize your impact at your next event.

1. Fail To Prepare And Prepare To Fail

The worst thing you can do is just rock up to a networking event without having a plan, or without having prepared at all. If you do this, don’t expect anything beneficial to happen. It won’t. The key to succeeding at this events is preparing. That means doing your research on who else is attending and which of these attendees you want to meet with. Plan your route around the event with a rough timeframe to keep to. Get all your materials together and make sure you have enough business cards to keep you going. Your chances of success lie in your preparation.

2. The Early Bird Catches The Worm

It isn’t just about getting there before everyone else, it is about giving yourself the most amount of time to reap success and create opportunities. The longer you are there the more conversations you can have with people and each of these could be the start of something new and exciting. Don’t just get to the event itself early either. If you have meetings scheduled in, then get to each of these early as well. It is always a good idea to enjoy some informal conversation before getting into the nitty-gritty.

3. Promote Yourself At Every Opportunity

If you have a stand, make sure it stands out from the crowd, whether that be with big banners, flags, nibbles or a place to sit. Have leaflets and brochures printed out? Instead of going with normal business cards, why not go down the contactless route and add an interactive dimension to your offering by visiting NFC direct; you certainly won’t be forgotten in a hurry, that’s for sure. Have a stash of branded pens that they can take. The more you can do to keep promoting yourself to those you are meeting, and those that are just passing, the better it will be for business. So get a prime spot and think of ways to stand out from the crowd.

4. Listen With Genuine Interest

The best way to become known as a good conversationalist is to be seen to be a good listener, which is easier than it sounds. All you have to do is take a genuine interest in what the person opposite you has to say. Take notes, ask questions, take notice and react; all of these will see you have a huge impact on your relationship and your chances to work together in the future. All of your competitors, or at least 90% of them, will be trying to pitch themselves, which means they won’t be listening with their undivided interest, and that is where you can have the upper hand.

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