5 Best Strategies for Running Effective Staff Meetings

Are you about to hold your first staff meeting? Maybe you have been conducting staff meetings for years now, but you just don’t find they are getting the kind of results you’ve been striving for. Then there is the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed how many workplaces look and operate, prompting the need for carefully thought out and regularly scheduled staff meetings. However, simply calling a staff meeting isn’t enough to ensure your point is made and the meeting is a success. Instead, a successful staff meeting requires specific strategies to be used. 

So, let’s dive right in and explore five of the best strategies for running effective staff meetings, no matter the type of business or industry it is in.

5 Best Strategies for Running Effective Staff Meetings

Have a Purpose for the Meeting

The first tip is to make sure there is a reason for calling a staff meeting. If you’ve been in the habit of holding meetings “just because”, then there’s a good chance you are wasting the time and energy of your employees and yourself. Pointless meetings could actually be cutting into their productivity, which then results in negative effects for the company.

There should always be a clear and specific reason for each and every meeting. Let’s say, for example, you want to address safety in the workplace. For help choosing topics to cover in the meeting, you can use online guides. Having a list of topics in front of you during the meeting will ensure that everything is covered and nothing is forgotten. This is called the agenda.  

Distribute the Agenda in Advance

Now that you’ve got your list of topics to discuss, you may want to distribute the agenda in advance. Even if you only share it the day before, or a few hours before, the meeting, it gives employees a chance to look it over and formulate any questions or concerns they may have. This is also a great opportunity to communicate what documents, files, and information employees will need to bring to the meeting.

Go In with a Positive Attitude

It’s also important to go into the meeting with a positive attitude. Even if you need to discuss issues that are causing problems, it’s still best to take a positive approach. You can do this by presenting solutions and actionable tips that are meant to motivate and inspire your employees rather than have them walk away from the meeting feeling dejected.

Confidence Helps You to Stay in Control of the Meeting

Those who find it difficult to speak in front of an audience can find holding a staff meeting intimidating. It’s important to address that fear and look for ways to overcome it so you can stay in control of the meeting. Even if you feel comfortable with public speaking, it’s still possible to lose control.

As the person holding the meeting, you will be responsible for setting the tone, pace, and format. If things start to veer off-topic, it will be up to you to regain control and get back on topic.

Don’t Be Afraid to Use Visual and Audio Aids

In order to keep the meeting interesting and engaging, you can also use visual and audio aids. This can include things like charts, spreadsheets, slideshows, videos, and so forth. These materials help to break up the meeting and help to keep employees focused. They can also help to hammer home points better than standing there and just speaking to people.

Getting More Out of Staff Meetings

By using each of these tips you’ll find that the staff meetings not only run smoother, but also that everyone will get more out of them.

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