5 Big Reasons Why No One Is Reading Your Content

5 Big Reasons Why No One Is Reading Your Content

So, you have invested a significant sum of money on creating some content for your website blog. But it is still having no impact on your sales, visitors, or bounce rates. Why? Well, the simple truth is that there are likely to be some common pitfalls you have fallen into. And today, we’re going to explore a few of them – and give you some solutions. Let’s take a closer look at some of the big reasons why no one is reading your content.

No one can find it

The first point is critical. Content creation is one thing, but you have to market that content, too. That means putting it out everywhere, and promoting it at every opportunity. It means using SEO in your content so the search engines can pick up on your work. And, it means being socially active on Facebook, Twitter, and all the other channels. That said, you need to use the right channels. If your target audience is never on Facebook, posting there is just a waste of your time. Only publish where your audience is active.

You are too promotional

Who are you more likely to buy from when making a purchasing decision? A business that has a blog packed full of hand hints and is engaged with other industry blogs? Or a company that just talks about how great they are and why you should give them your money? Consider this when you are creating content for your blog. No one wants to read about you, your company, or page after page of irrelevant and useless info. Work on creating content that shows your expertise is helpful and helps them find what they are looking for.

You are too inconsistent

People like consistency, both in delivery and speed. You should be updating your posts at least once every fortnight – perhaps every week. And, make sure that content is superb – nothing less. Sure, you can pay someone one cent a word to write content on your behalf, but it’s never going to be high quality. Invest time, money, and try to be more consistent.

5 Big Reasons Why No One Is Reading Your Content

No one trusts you

If you aren’t telling the truth, people will soon find out, and your reputation will take a kicking. However, even when you are telling the truth, as a small business it’s hard to develop your industry authority. Your best bet is to start building up your reputation as an industry thought leader. You could start by contacting other bloggers in your field and offering to write guest posts. According to this list of guest blogging sites from Guest Post Tracker, there are plenty of opportunities. Not only will it increase your industry authority, but it will also help you get more visitors direct from other blogs and websites.

You don’t have any focus

A lot of business blogs don’t appear to have a purpose. They will happily create content or post material on any content under the sun. It’s a big mistake. Your blog needs to be focused if you want to attract your ideal customer – it’s as simple as that. Otherwise, every reader will not be 100% involved in your site – they will only read a fraction of it. And, it’s no way growing a blog, as your readership will be wildly at odds with each other regarding demographics.

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