5 Essential Apps For Salesforce’ Success Pack For Non-Profit Fundraising

The Salesforce Success Pack was built with non-profit fundraisers in mind. This free, open-source pack has been a game changing CRM which offers an intelligent and easy to use portal through which all fundraising efforts can be managed. The Success Pack provides non-profits with a unique opportunity to increase relationships with their clients and find smart and more efficient ways in which it can raise funds, and manage donors.

Salesforce for nonprofits is one of the best automated CRM systems for non-commercials and extended by Nonprofit Success pack improves the interaction between employees and customers.

There are some tools which will be essential to your use of the NPSP, and data entry is at the heart of that. This is why the NPSP Salesforce MoveData is able to offer a great solution that will ensure your pack is loaded with the essential data it needs to function.

Here are the top 5 fantastic apps that can be integrated:

5 Essential Apps For Salesforce’ Success Pack For Non-Profit Fundraising


This is one of the few donation platforms in the market which is able to support NPSP3, the most recent upgrade to the Success Pack. Not only can you use this app to collect and organize information about your donors. This app can help your business raise more funds, and gather higher-quality information.


Email marketing is at the heart of all non-profit fundraising efforts and a smart portal through which to manage it will be essential. This app allows you to personalize emails, set up automatic responses and schedule the sending of bulk emails. This can be easily integrated with Salesforce where information on engagement can be shared and processed for future use.

Duplicate Check

Sending multiple emails or text messages to the same person because you have duplicated them on the system can be a real hassle for them and it is certainly not likely to inspire them to donate. This app takes the time out of searching for such information and will instead give you a real-time alert when information is duplicated. This intelligent app is also able to spot misspelled duplicates. This happens more than you may think and each duplicate could potentially cost you a donation.


Event management is a critical component of fundraising and with Fonteva you will find it infinitely easier to stay on top of all planned events, without having to leave the CRM. This app is native to Salesforce and within it, you can manage the high level and the more specific details of every event planned, complete with project management options from within the app.


Much like email, social media plays a key role in the raising of funds and the marketing of your non-profit. Create new cases based on conversations which are taking place, jump onto trending topics to showcase the great work you are doing and utilize the data which you have in your Salesforce pack, to specifically target users of social media.

These are just some of the many brilliant apps which you can integrate into your Salesforce Success Pack, which will have a positive impact on your non-profit fundraising efforts.

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