5 Tips for Marketing Your Amazon Store Successfully

Amazon is by some distance the leader in the e-commerce space. It has surpassed Google as the go-to platform for searching products and generated $280.5 billion in sales during 2019.

Fortunately, Amazon understands the importance of their relationship with successful sellers. They know that in order to continue growing, there must be mechanisms in place for savvy sellers to achieve and maintain consistent sales. As a result, sellers who simply create their accounts and passively wait for sales to happen are dominated by those who actively market their products.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the five most important marketing strategies that you can apply to achieve success on Amazon.

5 Tips for Marketing Your Amazon Store Successfully

1. Title Your Products Correctly

A detailed, accurate title will not only entice prospective customers to click through to your product listing, but it will also help it achieve a high rank on Amazon’s search engine.

If a product title is vague and doesn’t contain enough descriptive information, the likelihood of a click-through is compromised. Amazon offers sellers up to 250 characters to title their product, and it’s vital that these are used to provide as much readable detail as possible.

Essentially, you want to get the following into your title:

  • Brand name
  • Product name
  • Exact size.
  • Target market (kid’s, men’s, etc.)
  • Color and visual style
  • Other important features that distinguish it from competing products

This gives shoppers all the info they need while they’re searching for a specific product. You don’t want potential customers to have to click through to your listing to find this information.

Secondly, it’s important to include high-volume keywords in the title. Keywords are the search terms that shoppers use when looking for specific products. Doing this intelligently maximizes your chances of generating organic traffic, which is the backbone of product visibility on Amazon.

Use a keyword research tool to identify high-volume search terms associated with your product. Then use as many of these in your product title as possible without compromising its readability.

2. Create a Killer Product Listing Page

The content of the product listing page is the space where you really get to sell your product. This is a vital part of successful Amazon marketing. Here are some tips on how to optimize this asset to drive conversion:

  • Images: Use several high-quality images of your product. Don’t just use imagery you obtained from the manufacturer’s site. Show the product being used and show it from all angles. Think about what you’d want to see if you were a potential customer.
  • Key features: Populate the listing’s bullet points with information not covered in the title. These are referred to as the “key features,” and there couldn’t be a more appropriate way to describe them. Keep each of them short and to the point. Don’t make your readers wade through a wall of text to find the info they need.
  • Product description: The product description is the meat of the product listing page. If a shopper makes it this far down the page, you have the opportunity to reel them in. Use this content area to really highlight why this product stands out from the competition and would meet the shopper’s needs.
  • Keywords: Bear in mind that Amazon’s search engine algorithm also takes keywords used on this page into account when indexing search results. Use them wisely in the product description area.

3. Use Automatic Repricing Software

Repricing is the process of changing your product’s price to continuously remain competitive in a very saturated marketplace. Doing this manually is a fool’s errand. There are simply too many factors to take into consideration to do this correctly, not to mention the amount of legwork to constantly adjust prices yourself.

Advanced automatic repricing tools solve all of these problems. A tool like this ensures that your prices are as competitive as possible, but it also adjusts prices according to a multitude of other factors in the market. This includes increasing prices at the right time to maximize your margins.

5 Tips for Marketing Your Amazon Store Successfully

A great repricing tool looks beyond simple rules that the seller configures upon setup. It values extreme flexibility and takes the complex act of intelligent repricing out of the hands of the seller. It’s also capable of updating prices in real-time, providing a level of response that’s simply not manageable with manual repricing.

4. Use Amazon Advertising

Obtaining organic traffic via the Amazon search box depends on several factors outside of great keyword usage. The company tends to favor products that have shown a history of being able to convert visitors into customers. Lack of history poses an obvious obstacle for new sellers, leaving them lagging behind more successful competitors.

An answer to this dilemma is to use Amazon’s pay-per-click advertising solution. If your product isn’t ranking high enough to generate traffic and you have the budget to do this, paying for traffic is the next best solution.

Product adverts are essentially sponsored search results that are displayed based on the shopper’s search term. This is a relatively inexpensive method of getting eyes on your product listing page.

5. Drive External Traffic to Your Amazon Listing

Amazon may be the sales platform of choice for most e-commerce companies, but that doesn’t mean that it’s a closed marketing ecosystem. Supplementing your on-platform marketing strategies with traditional digital marketing techniques is an excellent way to bypass the difficulties of becoming visible on Amazon.

  • Create a website for your brand and product. Use it to showcase your brand and build credibility.
  • Create a highly visible call to action that drives visitors to your Amazon product page.
  • Use social media to build a loyal following of potential customers and engage your target market.
  • Use Facebook and Google ads to drive traffic to your website.
  • Make use of email marketing to keep your visitors aware of your product and site.
  • Use content marketing to drive traffic to your website.

In Closing

These five tips are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to generating traffic and conversions for your Amazon store. We’ve given you enough information here to get the ball rolling. Take what this article says seriously and pour your efforts into making each of these strategies a success.

Then take ownership of researching and applying further strategies. The internet is overflowing with extremely knowledgeable people who are very willing to share additional tips with Amazon sellers. Make use of these resources.

Don’t wait for things to happen. Be diligent and proactive, and realize that there’s no quick solution to achieving success on Amazon. There’s only hard, but rewarding, work.

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