Remarketing and How to Benefit From One of the Most Effective Advertising Tools

How to get a potential customer to the final step – buying your product or service – has always been an abstract noun. Have you ever thought that a potential customer is certainly a future fan of your brand, but the reality turns out to be a little different: as if by some strange circumstances, that customer just disappeared. How does that happen?

The Internet is a real small treasure trove of absolutely everything that comes to your mind first – useful tips, different products, different services, education, brands… Everything that interests you, you can find there. You can google it. But sometimes we google too much and simply get lost in the sea of information. And that is exactly one of the reasons why your potential customers suddenly disappear.

How do you get visitors to your site or followers of your social media accounts to become (and remain) your loyal customers? How to choose you after googling? How can your brand be the ’right one’ in the sea of competition? This is where His Majesty Remarketing comes into play!

If there is a powerful advertising tool, that is without any doubt remarketing. What does it represent? It is a reminder of the existence of your brand to those who have already visited your website but have not closed the sales chain: they have not purchased the product, not contacted you, nor visited you at your location.

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Remarketing in Detail

The very concept of remarketing can be most simply explained as re-communicating with the recipient of the message. This is one of the most effective techniques in digital marketing. From practice, it can be concluded that people react much better to remarketing campaigns, precisely because they are already familiar with the brand, products, or services.

Remarketing does not mean that you place the same message more than once. Such a strategy must be well planned, otherwise, it will not give results. For example, when campaigns are launched on one of the digital marketing channels, remarketing cannot be done effectively immediately. It takes some time to generate traffic or reactions to the original message. Only after this, it is possible to properly structure the remarketing campaign.

The concept of remarketing can best be explained as follows. Let’s say you have activated campaigns on one of the digital marketing channels. These campaigns generate traffic that you observe and analyze for some time. If you are selling and have different products on the site, a good tactic is to build audiences that have visited an individual product.

After segmenting the audience, you release a new message – a personalized message to this specific audience. In your example, it could be a message in the form of a banner with a specific product that the audience was viewing. Or that same product with a discount code.

The possibilities of remarketing are unlimited, and it is only necessary to create a logical system of thinking for the customer and place personalized messages based on that. Such messages go much better than general ones.

In the technical part of digital marketing, remarketing can be used in different types of campaigns. Some of the most common are Facebook and Instagram remarketing.

Remarketing on Facebook

It must have happened to you that you visited the website of a brand, then that the same brand started addressing you through social networks. If you choose Facebook as a remarketing tool, you need to create a Custom Audience and then dedicate yourself to the Facebook Pixel. As the target of the ad, you choose Traffic to enter website pages that have already been visited by your target audience.

Through Custom Audience and Facebook Pixel, you can target those who have not completed the purchase process, those who use the free version of your application (which will expire soon), those who have visited your landing page… There are really many possibilities.

Remarketing on Instagram

As currently one of the most powerful online tools, remarketing on Instagram is simply a must. Everyone is there – it got under our skin so much that it is not only interesting to brands but also to individuals who adore their personal accounts.

Remarketing on Instagram is also set up on Facebook, based on Facebook Pixel. And most importantly, it is not enough just to set all the parameters – the key is the appearance of your ad and the creation of content. Good image/video/gif, the well-tuned audience – and tracking the transformation from potential to end and existing customers of your brand.

Facebook and Instagram Remarketing Campaigns

Remarketing can be used effectively in social media campaigns. As with any other digital marketing channel, it is extremely important that the entire system is set up in the right way.

With remarketing campaigns on Facebook and Instagram platforms, we can make a rough division into two types: profile-related remarketing and website-related remarketing.

  • Profile-Related Remarketing

This is a kind of remarketing campaign when the target is the audience that had an interaction with the profiles themselves. Here, for example, you can take the audience that followed your profile. In addition, you have the ability to target an audience that has had another action, such as sending a message or similar.
In this way, you target an audience that is already familiar with your brand, so it is possible to send a message that is specific and focused on the interest, gender, or other characteristics of this audience.

This type of remarketing campaign does not require any special technical implementation. It is only necessary that the ads account from which the ads are released be connected to the Facebook and Instagram pages.

  • Website Related Remarketing

Remarketing campaigns that are related to a website or some other platform such as applications or the like can only be done with a good setup of the entire system. This means the proper implementation of Facebook Pixel and event code in websites or applications.

Of course, you first need to build a website that will fulfill the main purpose of your business. Most website builders have a similar site-building process but you have to make sure whether you are building a site for a small business or perhaps for a small-to-medium business.

In this way, your ad account receives information about the activity on the site itself. You can use this information by creating specific audiences from those visitors who have visited a specific page or have done any of the actions that are important to you.

Display Remarketing Campaigns

The Google Network gives you a wide range of uses for remarketing campaigns in advertising on it. In order to use these types of campaigns properly, you need to set up the system well in advance.

For the remarketing campaigns on the Display Network, you need to implement information about the visitors of the website or application in Google Ads, which plays display ads. This can be done by inserting a Google Ads remarketing tag into the code of the site or application.

Another way is by linking Google Analytics and Google Ads. From experience, we always recommend that remarketing campaigns should be done through an audience from Google Analytics.

By properly implementing Google Analytics and connecting it to Google Ads, you get the ability to target visitors to your site or application. The possibilities are limitless and the specificity of the audience itself depends on what you want to achieve with the campaign.

YouTube Remarketing Campaigns

As YouTube is also played from the Google Ads interface, this type of remarketing campaign also requires a well-set-up Google Analytics that is connected to Google Ads. This is necessary for campaigns in which you want to target via video message those who have visited your site or application or taken an action that is important to you.

In addition to site visitors, if you link a YouTube channel to Google Ads, you can also target those visitors to the YouTube platform who have interacted with some of the clips from your YouTube channel.

Search Remarketing Campaigns

The remarketing strategy can also be applied within the Google Search Network. These are so-called remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA) campaigns.

They work by limiting the search campaign to a specific target in the form of an audience. The best use is to add an audience that has already been to the site or application. Such a campaign increases the cost of a click so that to those who search Google again for a given service or product and were on your site or application, the ad in a high position in the search engine can be displayed.

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