5 Ways To Make Your Company More Credible

There’s more to trust these days than a handshake. People are becoming more aware of crooked companies and they want hard evidence that they’re not going to get ripped off. In order to not be mistaken for these dodgy dealers, you need to prove your credibility. Here are just a few ways that you can win over the trust of clients.

Put your brand on everything

By proudly showing off your brand wherever you go, it shows that you’re dedicated to your business and have nothing to hide. Your premises should be clearly signposted so that any clients or companies you work with know that you’re an established business and not some shady startup trying to hide its location. Other small touches can increase your credibility such as business cards, branded pens, branded t-shirts (or some form of uniform) and a professional email signature. If you have a company car, adding branding could also make your more reputable, showing you’re not just a crook in a van.

Have an online presence

Getting your business online is a must in this heavily digital age as it shows you’re in tune with the times. A website is as important as a phone number and should be a part of your brand, printed on business cards, flyers and any form of signage. Social media is also growing in popularity and can further show that you’re legitimate by connecting you to the world. When creating a business page on Facebook and Twitter, make sure to invite all your friends and previous clients to like and follow you. Regularly update your social media to show that your business is constantly active and interact with your followers.

Embrace reviews and testimonials

You can’t shy away from reviews these days. Sites such as Trip Advisor and Revoo are a first point of contact for many potential clients. Embrace these reviews and show that you’re not afraid of criticism and have nothing to hide. Encourage every happy client you work with to leave a positive review so that the good always outweighs the bad. Ask happy clients for testimonials and boast these on your website.

Improve your qualifications

Qualifications show that you’ve got the brains and know-how behind you to justify yourself for the job. It’s never too late to get more education – you don’t even need to take time off from your business to study. Institutions such as the University of Maryland offer flexible online courses that can be studied at your own time. Of course, you don’t need a degree necessarily to be qualified. There may be day courses and extra training certificates that you can take to increase your legitimacy such as WordPress workshop or an SEO crash course.

Enter yourself for an award

The ultimate way to prove your credibility is to win an award. Everyone trusts a company that’s ‘award-winning’. There are countless award schemes up and down the country. Whether you’re a startup or a long-established business, you’ll find an award scheme suited to you.

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